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Thread: B.C. sets up panel on bear deaths after 154 killed in 6 months

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: B.C. sets up panel on bear deaths after 154 killed in 6 months

    CBC is so full of shit and one sided they should be kicked off the ****in AIR. All there bullshit ideas and opinions they throw out there make me ****in sick. Do these people think that the real working class men and women out there are really gonna buy into this bulshit they feed the general public for ever. My mom is a prime example. Hippie ****in NDP school teacher. Misinformed to first degree. When are we all gonn stop being so scared to speak up and stop taking in the ****in ass from all these useless ****in parasites. The TALTAN are on the ball. They dont back the government on there stupid save the bear bullshit.. There smart enough to do the math.. We are all sitting back letting a bunch of ****in granola munching misinformed assholes dicktate whats gonna be left in this province to eat. Do they realize the ****in fact that saving all the predators kills off all the ****in ungulates. Do we need to go to school to learn how to be this ****in dumb.

    I live on Haida Gwaii. Ever sinse the bears got shut down here theres bin hundreds killed in all the communities. And the gall bladder poaching has gone through the roof because knowbody is monitoring anything . I hate to say it but now its the poaching keeping the population in check.. Like this province is so ****ed up. and so mismanaged its absolutly a disgrace. Pretty ****in soon i will be writing my own set of hunting regs and I know i wont be the only one..To this provincial government. Get your ****in heads outa your asses and start listening to the people that are out there . That know whats going on..God help us all with another round of ****ing NDP...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: B.C. sets up panel on bear deaths after 154 killed in 6 months

    Its not even worth a debate.. Theres to many ****in bears. Period.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Top of the 395

    Re: B.C. sets up panel on bear deaths after 154 killed in 6 months

    Quote Originally Posted by StuBrown View Post
    Could the over population of Grizzly bears not be forcing Black bears out of their territory and into more human conflict?
    That definitely seems like a possibility. Although I’m no scientist, and I did not stay at a Holiday Inn last night.
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Region 4

    Re: B.C. sets up panel on bear deaths after 154 killed in 6 months

    Quote Originally Posted by pro 111 View Post
    CBC is so full of shit and one sided they should be kicked off the ****in AIR. All there bullshit ideas and opinions they throw out there make me ****in sick. Do these people think that the real working class men and women out there are really gonna buy into this bulshit they feed the general public for ever. My mom is a prime example. Hippie ****in NDP school teacher. Misinformed to first degree. When are we all gonn stop being so scared to speak up and stop taking in the ****in ass from all these useless ****in parasites. The TALTAN are on the ball. They dont back the government on there stupid save the bear bullshit.. There smart enough to do the math.. We are all sitting back letting a bunch of ****in granola munching misinformed assholes dicktate whats gonna be left in this province to eat. Do they realize the ****in fact that saving all the predators kills off all the ****in ungulates. Do we need to go to school to learn how to be this ****in dumb.

    I live on Haida Gwaii. Ever sinse the bears got shut down here theres bin hundreds killed in all the communities. And the gall bladder poaching has gone through the roof because knowbody is monitoring anything . I hate to say it but now its the poaching keeping the population in check.. Like this province is so ****ed up. and so mismanaged its absolutly a disgrace. Pretty ****in soon i will be writing my own set of hunting regs and I know i wont be the only one..To this provincial government. Get your ****in heads outa your asses and start listening to the people that are out there . That know whats going on..God help us all with another round of ****ing NDP...
    Couldnt agree more, a lot of people are getting fed up with the regs only being made by emotion. Where are the game surveys and numbers? Anyone who spends any time in the field knows there are too many grizzlies and wolves, probably cougars too but im not too informed on that. Just look across the border to Idaho or Montana where they have 1/10th of the huntable land, 10x more hunters and still have waaaay more animals than BC. BC should be an oasis of animals with the amount of land we have but mismanagement has turned most of it into desolate wasteland. Our hunting money is supposed to go to wildlife initiatives like game surveys and enforcement. I swear they get all their "data" from the optional hunting surveys they email out yearly and who knows how accurate any of that is, it sure isnt as accurate as having non biased biologists getting accurate numbers of wildlife.

    BC is still one of the only places that does point restrictions which has been proven everywhere else to hurt genetics and overall populations. BC is still one of the only places that does not control predators and base their numbers only on opinions instead of facts from ranchers, hunters and biologists. You get 200 "Save the bear" morons downtown Victoria wanting to stop the bear hunt and somehow they convince our government that 90% of BC is against bear hunting and they are endangered. What a load of carp!
    - A hunter who doesn't bring home the meat is just an outdoor enthusiast

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: B.C. sets up panel on bear deaths after 154 killed in 6 months

    Quote Originally Posted by MichelD View Post
    Who says there is an overpopulation of grizzly bears?
    Didn't you get the memo?

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2022

    Re: B.C. sets up panel on bear deaths after 154 killed in 6 months

    And it is only going to get worse
    Gov't gives someone a dirty job to do, like the COService, and then doesn't have the balls to stand behind them in their professional decisions
    Kudos to the CO's, taking tough choices knowing they are hated by so many daisy sniffers, and now another layer of scrutiny proposed
    Glad to say I have hunted Northern BC

    Simon Fraser had pretty good judgement on what he found in BC

  7. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Re: B.C. sets up panel on bear deaths after 154 killed in 6 months

    Can you imagine if these granola eaters get there way . In 50 years from now the hunting will be bread right outa society. Then theres a possability that there could be some type a war here in the near future. Hunters and outdoorsmen are bread with knowhow and survival skills. and common sense. We strenthen the country as a whole for free just being avid hunters.. When theres a call up to save the country one day all the granola eaters will be shit scared running for the hills getting eaten by Grizzlies. hahahaha. Just another perspective..
    Keep our country and society strong and happy. Hunting provides both. I wonder how people can actually try and take the very thing humans evolved as away. WE bin hunting sinse the day we were created. However that happened we all had to hunt to survive..And morons out there are trying to put an end to it..

    **** you greenies . I hope you get your legs chewed off on your next outing in your canoe or on a trail..

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