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Thread: Unsure if LEH required or not?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2024

    Unsure if LEH required or not?

    Hi all, pretty new to the hunting scene, recently made some friends at work and they're all going hunting moose and want me to tag along, and maybe this is a dumb question, but I thought you needed a tag through the LEH to hunt a moose? Is this not correct? One of them said you can shoot whatever is listed in the regs. I don't really understand, how do you know if something requires an LEH or not? Thanks!

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: Unsure if LEH required or not?

    Read the regulations for the area you will be hunting. They list all open seasons
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  4. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: Unsure if LEH required or not?

    LEH, Limited Entry is an 'authorization' to the successful resident hunter. LEH is not, a tag. To hunt a specific animal under LEH, a resident must have a hunting licence, an LEH authorization and the appropriate species licence/tag.

    I'm not sure of the region or MU, but it's great when you can find hunting opportunity outside of LEH. Look at the GOS regs, see what is available to you if you tag along. Tagging along is not a contravention. Packing their animal out is not a contravention. Shooting their LEH might be...

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2024

    Re: Unsure if LEH required or not?

    So they're hunting in 7-13 around Vanderhoof, I'm looking at the regs in general open season, and it says moose Spike-fork bulls Sep 10-Nov 5, so it's safe to assume that's what they're hunting? So I guess this is what I'm confused about, what is the point of the LEH? A few of them said they applied, but were denied, but can still hunt moose.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2023

    Re: Unsure if LEH required or not?

    OMG! LEH will permit someone who has succesfully drawn a permit to hunt moose OTHER THAN a spike forks bull. No LEH, you are limited to the general open season for spike fork bulls ONLY. I would suggest by your inquiry that you tape a portion of page 4 of the regs to your gunstock so you are well aware of the definition of a legal spike fork
    Last edited by snowhater; 09-16-2024 at 03:27 PM.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Victoia BC when not at work, otherwise up North

    Re: Unsure if LEH required or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by J_T View Post
    LEH, Limited Entry is an 'authorization' to the successful resident hunter. LEH is not, a tag. To hunt a specific animal under LEH, a resident must have a hunting licence, an LEH authorization and the appropriate species licence/tag.

    I'm not sure of the region or MU, but it's great when you can find hunting opportunity outside of LEH. Look at the GOS regs, see what is available to you if you tag along. Tagging along is not a contravention. Packing their animal out is not a contravention. Shooting their LEH might be...

    Be carefully with this tagging allong Idea. If the fellow carries a Gun, Binocular, Hell even a hunting Knife and helps his Friends to look for Game he will be considered hunting and could be charged unless he is licensed and has a valid Tag for the particular Species/Class of Animal his Buddies are licensed for. Unfortunately the Regs, Wildlife Act and other Statutes have now so many regulations and definitions that nobody can be absolutely sure of anything anymore.


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  8. #7
    Join Date
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    Re: Unsure if LEH required or not?

    Quote Originally Posted by HuntHuntShoot View Post
    So they're hunting in 7-13 around Vanderhoof, I'm looking at the regs in general open season, and it says moose Spike-fork bulls Sep 10-Nov 5, so it's safe to assume that's what they're hunting? So I guess this is what I'm confused about, what is the point of the LEH? A few of them said they applied, but were denied, but can still hunt moose.
    not all regions/ areas have an open season. It looks like where you're going has both because of the spike/fork. But region 5 is all LEH. Same with elk on the island. The regs can be confusing. Snowhaters response is a bit harsh [ you did say that you are new ]
    Have a fun trip. You would be legal if all you had was a deer tag too [ as long as you weren't shooting at moose ]

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Unsure if LEH required or not?

    I'd be careful about going with those guys before asking for clarification about what exactly they mean.

    If as others have already said, they intend to look for spike-fork bulls in areas that have them open, okay, you're good to go.

    Some people misinterpret the regs too. A hunting buddy called up last week and said, "We have been real dummies, do you know that there is an antlerless season open to seniors Sept. 10 to 30 where we usually hunt?"

    I had to explain to him that was for private land with owner's permission only. Been like that and listed in the regs synopsis for years.

    He is a lawyer. I would have expected him to be able to read better than that. It is in the fine print but marked with two asterixes. Not that hard to understand.

    I ran into some guys a long ways away from that zone one time looking for does who had made the same mistake, convinced that it was open in the whole area for does for seniors.

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