View Full Version : Bear hunting ban by natives

09-12-2012, 04:25 PM
I am sure this is just the first of many to come now.http://www.theprovince.com/news/Bears+First+Nations+take+trophy+hunting+industry/7231895/story.html

09-12-2012, 04:33 PM
same nation thats fighting the northern gateway pipeline so vehemently. Perhaps another tactic for that.

09-12-2012, 05:01 PM
Oh this could be an interesting winter. If they actually act on what they are saying and actively try and stop hunting, could get a little wild up north!! How are they to say what your hunting anyway? I can see it now...Bunch of local natives charging through the bushes interrupting the perfect shot on a deer, moose and black bear all in the name of protecting grizzlies...Someone better step up to shut em up fast before it gets out of hand.

limit time
09-12-2012, 05:06 PM
"First nations now will assume the authority And Enforce A closure On such hunting" How will this be done?? VIOLENCE??

"First nations will protect the Bears by any means they can" VIOLENCE??

09-12-2012, 05:13 PM
first off we and first nations need to stop fighting over who hunts what and we need to group together and deal with the true problem the anti hunting groups. if they get there way no one will be hunting grizzleys. I still cant get over we are living in 2012 whay cant there just be one set of ruls and regultions for any one who wants to hunt. be so much easer to regulate the harvest and so on.

09-12-2012, 05:34 PM
The natives do not care because their rights to hunt are protected. It is also no secret that natives have and will continue to work with anti hunting groups to limit resident and non-resident/GO hunting opportunities. Seems like a great deal of making money on Eco tourism, make money "consulting" anti-hunting groups, and you have all the game to hunt for yourself and after you take what you need you can sell the rest to whitey.

09-12-2012, 05:49 PM
Another native bashing thread has started........ .... Very sad . Most people on here dont seem to understand why fn are aloud there cultural rights.....

09-12-2012, 05:51 PM
The majority of FN have no interest / history / culture of hunting grizzlies. So I cant say I agree that they are trying to keep the grizzlies for themselves. Different to them blocking resident black bear hunting in the Queen Charlottes and also the recent moose story in the Anaham Range. A few wise men said FN threatening to block moose hunts was just the start of things to come and they seem to have been proved right.

As for ecotourism making money - I think in a lot of cases its a pretty bad / tough business to be in. I was thinking of booking a grizz watching tour out of Prince Rupert to the Khutyzmateen last summer and they basically told me pick a date, you will have the boat to yourself.... And its pretty safe to say that the government get a lot more money from resident hunters than they do from ecotourism operators.

09-12-2012, 06:45 PM
Natives make the rules? Tell them to FO and continue within the rules. . . . . . . sick of this crap.

limit time
09-12-2012, 06:49 PM
Another native bashing thread has started........ This site is so racist at times.... Very sad

09-12-2012, 06:53 PM
Another native bashing thread has started........ This site is so racist at times.... Very sad

Rather than sit back, voice how you feel about the situations that have been arising. I honestly don't think the masses on here are as you termed it "racist" but rather most have had enough of trying to live within a race motivated society. Most including myself have not grown up "racist" but I do see it happening more and more aimed at caucasians rather than the flipside.

The Dude
09-12-2012, 07:11 PM
Another native bashing thread has started........ This site is so racist at times.... Very sad

Post #7.........and how many 'bashing' comments have been made? Some people take PC a little too far. Very sad.
If you want your rights stolen in increments, then go ahead and oin them, because that's where it's going.

09-12-2012, 07:13 PM
Another native bashing thread has started........ This site is so racist at times.... Very sad

Thats funny that you get that from these threads. What I get from all of them is that the majority of the people posting and myself included would like to see everybody in this country be treated the same under the laws of the country and to be afforded the same rights and opportunities in life regardless of race, religious beliefs, age, or sexual preference. The irony is that you have a group in this country that demands to be treated differently and to be afforded rights that nobody else has based on race, but if you are to speak out against this by demanding equality you are a racist.

09-12-2012, 07:15 PM
No i think most people on here are just jealouse of there given rights by the government . If its on crown land they have no rights but if its on there land that was given to them they can do as the please in my opinion. They were the first ppl to settle here and its truly there land, the white people back in the day ****ed up how theydealt with them and are now paying for it.... Canada truly dies belong to the natives there land was stolen from them because they did not know how the british did things. Quite frankly when England came over to settle they should have used there military to take over the entire country but they didnt and now theyre paying for it in land and money. Bottom line is they were here before any white person was so in my eyes Canada belongs to native people not white people. Just my opinion tons of ppl will disagree with me but facts are facts we werent here first we stole this country !

09-12-2012, 07:18 PM
Thats funny that you get that from these threads. What I get from all of them is that the majority of the people posting and myself included would like to see everybody in this country be treated the same under the laws of the country and to be afforded the same rights and opportunities in life regardless of race, religious beliefs, age, or sexual preference. The irony is that you have a group in this country that demands to be treated differently and to be afforded rights that nobody else has based on race, but if you are to speak out against this by demanding equality you are a racist.

I agree this spoon feeding needs to stop and everyone be CANADIAN.

09-12-2012, 07:19 PM
Come on, they give us topic to "swing the club" so to speak. Perhaps natives should not be so controversial. I find that really frustrating and annoying. Very pathetic.

Hook or Bullet
09-12-2012, 07:22 PM
first off we and first nations need to stop fighting over who hunts what and we need to group together and deal with the true problem the anti hunting groups. if they get there way no one will be hunting grizzleys. I still cant get over we are living in 2012 whay cant there just be one set of ruls and regultions for any one who wants to hunt. be so much easer to regulate the harvest and so on.

Totally agree that there needs to be one set of rules for Canadians

The Dude
09-12-2012, 07:22 PM
This IS Crown land. That's the whole point. Most reserves get totally shot off, then they pull this on Crown land, denying people rights because of race.....

So who are the real racists here?

09-12-2012, 07:28 PM
If its on "crown land " they have no rights i 100% agree with you!

09-12-2012, 07:40 PM
No i think most people on here are just jealouse of there given rights by the government . If its on crown land they have no rights but if its on there land that was given to them they can do as the please in my opinion. They were the first ppl to settle here and its truly there land, the white people back in the day ****ed up how theydealt with them and are now paying for it.... Canada truly dies belong to the natives there land was stolen from them because they did not know how the british did things. Quite frankly when England came over to settle they should have used there military to take over the entire country but they didnt and now theyre paying for it in land and money. Bottom line is they were here before any white person was so in my eyes Canada belongs to native people not white people. Just my opinion tons of ppl will disagree with me but facts are facts we werent here first we stole this country !

So where are you moving too then?

I admire your bravado but walk the walk...your words you stole their land...give it back.

09-12-2012, 07:47 PM
I happily live on the KIB reservation in kamloops and its the truth whether you like it or not go read a book and im white so it really is just my opinion.

09-12-2012, 08:04 PM
Another native bashing thread has started........ This site is so racist at times.... Very sad
They are the freaking Rasists they hate us "white boys" so much & we pay for them to hate us ! Give your head a shake its called RESENTMENT when one user group gets all the pie & the other gets none it causes resentment, which is a natural emotion ! Im so sick of these threats the gov can shove their taxes up there ass,until they sort this crap out im sick of paying for a "nation" that hates me !
F...k them !
Im pissed ! Imagine if we all decided to stop paying taxes untill the handouts stop ! The more you give the more they take & take & not even a thankyou !
If you are so disgusted with this sites racists find another !

09-12-2012, 08:08 PM
I happily live on the KIB reservation in kamloops and its the truth whether you like it or not go read a book and im white so it really is just my opinion.

And that makes you special I see. All of us on here that are white are thieves except those that live on FN land. They can have you with such narrow minded thinking!

The Dude
09-12-2012, 08:20 PM
........ facts are facts we werent here first we stole this country !

Show me one country that WASN'T "Stolen".

Shit happens, empires die, move on, and let's all be equal.

09-12-2012, 08:23 PM
I can't bear it, lol, no one owns the land but the Crown, period!
The Crown owns the land rights and mineral rights and every other right. O.K. Don't forget that part.
You and I can hunt on Crown, so can others as well. As long as the Crown says, " It's a go." Then we can go.
BC is mostly Crown, very little private over the whole province. Ninety Five percent Crown.
So don't be knockin Crown in any way, shape or form, you will lose -- ten times out of ten -- Respect the Crown
Jel ( Thee ) "CROWN" is the BOZZ -- try to skirt the Crown and you'll be put down the ladder -- Don't be a clown

09-12-2012, 08:26 PM
Well if the indians didn't act up and do stupid illegal things that they have no right to do,
then we the people wouldn't have any issue with them. Does any other ethnicity in Canada
blockade roads, walk around in masks with guns disturbing the peace, or threaten violence
against lawful hunters? It's way past time that the government threw the troublemakers
in jail, just like any other Canadian would be thrown in jail for breaking the law. First nations
my derriere, they were a bunch of primitives living in tepees and hunting with spears...they
should be happy we came and civilized them...well somewhat civilized them...:-)

09-12-2012, 08:29 PM
No i think most people on here are just jealouse of there given rights by the government . If its on crown land they have no rights but if its on there land that was given to them they can do as the please in my opinion. They were the first ppl to settle here and its truly there land, the white people back in the day ****ed up how theydealt with them and are now paying for it.... Canada truly dies belong to the natives there land was stolen from them because they did not know how the british did things. Quite frankly when England came over to settle they should have used there military to take over the entire country but they didnt and now theyre paying for it in land and money. Bottom line is they were here before any white person was so in my eyes Canada belongs to native people not white people. Just my opinion tons of ppl will disagree with me but facts are facts we werent here first we stole this country !

My family was displaced many centuries ago and moved! I was displaced 15 years ago & had to move ! It wont happen again & im sure im not alone & i know I stand united ! This native racism is starting to piss me off, I dislike Racists of any colure & creed!

09-12-2012, 08:35 PM
Canada throws more people in jail then any country, other than the U. S. of A. We got 15,000 prisoners in Canucksville.
Fifteen thousand times the sixty thousand dollars to, to keep a one convict incarcerated, in the HoosCow.
15,000 times $60,000.00 = BLOWS YER MIND ahhhhhhh. Get the point?
Jel ( what's) eleven times thirteen ( 11 x 13 ) qwick .. did yah gradu macate? lol you got grade seven or sixth for i.q.

The Dude
09-12-2012, 08:48 PM
Canada throws more people in jail then any country, other than the U. S. of A. We got 15,000 prisoners in Canucksville.
Fifteen thousand times the sixty thousand dollars to, to keep a one convict incarcerated, in the HoosCow.
15,000 times $60,000.00 = BLOWS YER MIND ahhhhhhh. Get the point?
Jel ( what's) eleven times thirteen ( 11 x 13 ) qwick .. did yah gradu macate? lol you got grade seven or sixth for i.q.


09-12-2012, 08:51 PM
I agree that there should be one set of rules for all people in Canada. If they want to shoot whatever they want on there land thats okay with me but wheni see them shooting whatever they want out of season or there is no season is so F**ked up. I also think thats its really stupid that they will always get what they want.

09-12-2012, 08:53 PM
Its just my opinion on the subject from what ive learned over the years , you may call me stupid or whatever doesnt bother me none . Theres poachers of all race so you cant just blame all indians..... You guys will all bitch and argue about this untill your blue in the face and nothing will ever change. You all make valid points and most i agree with but theres just no point in arguing over it on a hunting forum lol . Have a good debate guys !

09-12-2012, 08:55 PM
Show me one country that WASN'T "Stolen".

Shit happens, empires die, move on, and let's all be equal.

One of the more accurate posts this site has seen.

09-12-2012, 09:01 PM
There is no one stopping you from going hunting, only yourself, no one has your keys to the truck but you, no one has your lock changed on your trigger. So you can be equal, what's stopping you?
Jel (You) Can go hunting if you choose, anytime you want to. Whose Stopping You?

09-12-2012, 09:02 PM
thats funny that you get that from these threads. What i get from all of them is that the majority of the people posting and myself included would like to see everybody in this country be treated the same under the laws of the country and to be afforded the same rights and opportunities in life regardless of race, religious beliefs, age, or sexual preference. The irony is that you have a group in this country that demands to be treated differently and to be afforded rights that nobody else has based on race, but if you are to speak out against this by demanding equality you are a racist.


09-12-2012, 09:07 PM
Another native bashing thread has started........ This site is so racist at times.... Very sad

People with special treatment? What he heck do you think will happen, wake up if a non native did this jail time would apply... And you respond with that?

09-12-2012, 09:10 PM
One guy at the bar said that too, and got into a "Donny Brook" He said I ain't racist, because I, then he got pasted, lol, his lower lip was split and the insides were coming out. Boom! Left hook, he staggarrrrred and then his buddy moved in and BAM! A right cross, the guy was on qweer street, then the bouncer came in and yelled, "Take it outside now!"
I dint follow the combatants out, but it was unreal, right in the can.
He said after I was trying to say, "I'm not racist, I hate everyone the same." But his lip was needing stitches bad.
Jel ( He ) Hated everyone the same ..

09-12-2012, 09:14 PM
How come only a Caucasian can be racist? Tired of the BS, every race can have have their pride day including gays but if we had a white day it would be racist? wTF?

09-12-2012, 09:15 PM
So you think all natives should stay on the reserve because they have no RIGHT to be on crown land. Oh my, how racist of you. F n hypocrite. And why are you talking about poachers? Who said anything about poachers?

The racist card is thrown around way to often. BC is full of hunters of all backgrounds and for some reason we always say whitey when these issuse come up. I have been deer hunting for three years now and I have encountered hunters that are Indian, East Indian, White, Chinese, Vietnamese and everything in between, even Australians. We are all in the same boat if threatened with hunting shut downs or by anti's. HUNTERS need to stick together, all of us.

09-12-2012, 09:16 PM
Canada throws more people in jail then any country, other than the U. S. of A. We got 15,000 prisoners in Canucksville.
Fifteen thousand times the sixty thousand dollars to, to keep a one convict incarcerated, in the HoosCow.
15,000 times $60,000.00 = BLOWS YER MIND ahhhhhhh. Get the point?
Jel ( what's) eleven times thirteen ( 11 x 13 ) qwick .. did yah gradu macate? lol you got grade seven or sixth for i.q.

Jelly Head, it's time to get out for some fresh air, do you do anything other then post on HBC. With almost 7 post everyday for the last 6 years(2190 days) and I'd bet you visit other forums as well, how do you have any time for living life?

You don't even know what forum or thread your posting to.

I feel sorry for you.

09-12-2012, 09:38 PM
First Nations on B.C.’s north and central coasts have declared a ban on trophy hunting for bears in a move that challenges the provincial government’s authority over the issue.
Doug Neasloss, Chief of the Kitasoo First Nation, says the province has been negligent in its responsibility to monitor the hunt, and First Nations now will assume the authority and enforce a closure on such hunting.
He calls the trophy hunt senseless and brutal and says First Nations will protect the bears by any means they can.
Jessie Housty of the Heiltsuk Nation says trophy hunting threatens the First Nations ecotourism industry and a total ban on such hunting is needed to protect both the bears and the industry.

© Copyright (c) The Province

09-12-2012, 09:44 PM
Don't feel sorry for Jelly, I goad you won, I got more fesh air than you did and I Garrrrr in Tea it!
I post because I can, I don't go on any other sites. A Tall.
Living life? I breath, I drink water, I eat, and train on the Iron Mike system, with George Foreman and Ali training manuals, for future fights and setting up combinations, weaving my way through the mass n trash, moy ty, pang-cration, floyd patterson, gsp and Jon (Bones) Jones. I'm toned. Big boned, ripped and shredded, i'm dreaded
I know who I Ahm. If I saw you drowning, I would not lend a hand -- I can feel it in the air tonight -- I've seen yer type b4
Jp ( Hands of Stone ) Ty's Son -- I'm watchin you -- The Back Attacker -- The come from behind -- Circuit Breaker -
Jel (The Circuit ) Breaker -- Separation -- separated and broken -- hacked n jacked -- I owe you one -- yer done like deener

09-12-2012, 09:44 PM
I have a problem with the natives threats and tactics. That makes me a racist? Give me a f***ing break! Time for things to change in this country.

09-12-2012, 09:46 PM
Everyone thinks and acts differently..
Around Williston lake there are tons of big bears, blacks and grizzlys, the natives rarely hunt them.
Painting everyone with the same brush doesnt always work..

09-12-2012, 09:46 PM
you may call me stupid or whatever doesnt bother me none .
Yes, but we may be banned for it, so we dont.

09-12-2012, 09:50 PM
Tell me or ask me any question concerning bear hunting and how Tourism, could work together, to enhance and embellish each others assets, facts and the figures, that's why when I took one computer class and all the udders were ladies, so I guess they were learning the facts, and I was checking the figures, lol, haha got yah.
Your tooo ezeeee. Bears all over BC, we got tons right here in Kamloops.
Share the bears. Dah Bears

09-12-2012, 09:56 PM
forget about how you feel about the natives . intelegent hunter responses is what is needed . we all hav eour differances , they need to be set aside while we squash the anti's . the one thing we all have in common , is the love for hunting . lets focus on that for now

09-12-2012, 09:59 PM
HA HAH AHHAHAHAHAH sound like window warrior is wearing his sisters arms again indians piss me off

09-12-2012, 10:03 PM
I saw one family of grizzly bears near a National Park sign, all three smiling, and all reddy colored around the jaws, looking up at the sign saying, "Tourist Season Welcome", the young grizzly says, " Bring Us More Tourists"
Jel (It's) Tourist Season lol haha bears eating while the season is on .. lol .. They taste good daddy! More Tourists!

09-12-2012, 10:35 PM
Greenpeace instigated a complete stop to the eastern seal baby hunt, but has also done a huge damage to Newfoundland fishing industry by increasing the number of seals , eating away the fish stocks, usually caught for human consumption. Both Native and Non-Native hunters and commercial fishermen are hurt badly.

Greenpeace destroyed a billion dollar food industry in Newfoundland and in in the Arctic.

Greenpeace would, among others, like to stop all wolf and grizz hunting in British Columbia.

Why do I never see an anti Greenpeace debate in these otherwise fine pages ?

I start to believe that all these hate messages against Natives in these fine pages are sophisticated Greenpeace smear campaign against B.C. hunters, that likes to make B.C. hunters look like a bunch of armed morons, and thus makes it easier for Greenpeace to get public and economic support, by proving that the B.C. hunters are a bunch of racist idiots who should not be allowed to hunt ?

Historically, racist attacks against minorities has always failed, since the majority eventually get feed up with these stupid morons filled with hate towards other people, including the moderators of these pages, who in these pages, time and time again promotes racial hatred towards Natives, in order to further their own political cause ?

I will never believe your smart... and sophisticated denials.

The Dude
09-12-2012, 10:51 PM
Greenpeace instigated a complete stop to the eastern seal baby hunt, but has also done a huge damage to Newfoundland fishing industry by increasing the number of seals , eating away the fish stocks, usually caught for human consumption. Both Native and Non-Native hunters and commercial fishermen are hurt badly.

Greenpeace destroyed a billion dollar food industry in Newfoundland and in in the Arctic.

Greenpeace would, among others, like to stop all wolf and grizz hunting in British Columbia.

Why do I never see an anti Greenpeace debate in these otherwise fine pages ?

I start to believe that all these hate messages against Natives in these fine pages are sophisticated Greenpeace smear campaign against B.C. hunters, that likes to make B.C. hunters look like a bunch of armed morons, and thus makes it easier for Greenpeace to get public and economic support, by proving that the B.C. hunters are a bunch of racist idiots who should not be allowed to hunt ?

Historically, racist attacks against minorities has always failed, since the majority eventually get feed up with these stupid morons filled with hate towards other people, including the moderators of these pages, who in these pages, time and time again promotes racial hatred towards Natives, in order to further their own political cause ?

I will never believe your smart... and sophisticated denials.

You obviously haven't been reading threads for very long. Either that, or your reading and comprehension skills leave much to be desired.
Oh, and calling members and Mods "Morons" on here is a good way to get punted, FYI.
The vast maJority wants equality for all, but you seem a little slow on the uptake there.
Oh, and have a nice day! :D

09-12-2012, 11:03 PM
Greenpeace instigated a complete stop to the eastern seal baby hunt, but has also done a huge damage to Newfoundland fishing industry by increasing the number of seals , eating away the fish stocks, usually caught for human consumption. Both Native and Non-Native hunters and commercial fishermen are hurt badly.

Greenpeace destroyed a billion dollar food industry in Newfoundland and in in the Arctic.

Greenpeace would, among others, like to stop all wolf and grizz hunting in British Columbia.

Why do I never see an anti Greenpeace debate in these otherwise fine pages ?

I start to believe that all these hate messages against Natives in these fine pages are sophisticated Greenpeace smear campaign against B.C. hunters, that likes to make B.C. hunters look like a bunch of armed morons, and thus makes it easier for Greenpeace to get public and economic support, by proving that the B.C. hunters are a bunch of racist idiots who should not be allowed to hunt ?

Historically, racist attacks against minorities has always failed, since the majority eventually get feed up with these stupid morons filled with hate towards other people, including the moderators of these pages, who in these pages, time and time again promotes racial hatred towards Natives, in order to further their own political cause ?

I will never believe your smart... and sophisticated denials.
What have you being smoking! Did you read the whole thread! We are angry because this comes up over & over again not racist ! Just mad !

09-12-2012, 11:06 PM
You beat me to it dude ! Some peoples kids Jeesh!

09-12-2012, 11:10 PM
Snow hunter why don't you start a green piece thread ! You seem to have an intense dislike for them,it's good to get those feelings of hate out ! LOL

The Dude
09-12-2012, 11:16 PM
And another thing! (I sound like Fred Flintstone :P )
Greenpeace isn't bugging us that much at the present, it's the WCWC, the VHS and Special rights groups that want to end or legal right to hunt.
Whenever Greenpeace, PeTA, or the Sierra Club stick their noses in, they get based too.
Watson is too busy eating cheeseburgers and posing for the cameras as he "Stops" the whaling in the Pacific. What a Joke that show is.
Newkirk is too busy raising money and killing people's pets, and the WCWC is too busy raising money and hugging trees.
Also, allying hunting with the seal cull is a HUGE tactical error. The word "Hunt" shold not be attached to that activity.

And in case you haven't noticed, this is BC, not Newfoundland.
Hence the site name HUNTINGBC.

...and you call US "Stupid morons".
Nice Job.

09-12-2012, 11:23 PM
"the First Nations ecotourism industry..." needs protecting? You have got to be kidding me. I suppose that is how they have been doing it for thousands of years? Showing off their beautiful bears and landscape to the western explorers. I just don't get how the First Nations can get away with using 'ecotourism' as a basis for a ban on bear hunting.

The Dude
09-12-2012, 11:49 PM
Yes, in their traditional Zodiacs with their traditional Honda twin 225 hp outboards and their traditional GPS and floater suits.
Although I don't hunt Grizz, and probably never will, it's the thin edge of the wedge, and it must be snapped off.

chilcotin hillbilly
09-13-2012, 07:18 AM
Gouse daddy, you need to learn the facts! Do you even know where the great bear rainforest is and how big it is. Equal right for everyone. YOu are right in one way the british should have come in and fought to take the country it would have saved the tax payers trillions of dollars and brought equality to everyone.

09-13-2012, 07:38 AM
Housty said coastal First Nations are working on marine- and land-use plans to manage resources in their territory and are also considering the salmon run and how it affects birds, bears and the evolving ecosystem.
"It goes against our cultural beliefs and values of management of our territories and bears in particular, and because we have an increasing presence on our land with research projects, with our people reconnecting to the land, it doesn't make sense to have hunters in the same area."

This work has already been done. Sounds like another "you fund this, we'll collect until the money runs out or the project collapses" deal. How many times are we going to fall for this.

Night Hawk 3
09-13-2012, 07:39 AM
Ok, I know Doug Neasloss personally, and I have lived and worked in Klemtu with the Kitasoo people for a little over a year. They are a lovely, friendly people, who are trying to protect one of their only industries that actually exists in their area that employs a few people on a regular basis. Doug is a pretty good guy, is a very strong wildlife advocate. His wildlife photography is really quite excellent.

However, I do not support such a ban.

I also do not believe that there is really all that much hunting taking place in the "great bear rainforest" for bears (white bears and related are protected in any case, which I think is a good idea). I didn't see any bear hunting going on while I was up there, and haven't heard of it being a "thing" that people really pursue all that much (although I did shoot a black bear while I was up there :smile: ).

The Kitasoo (and other nations in that area) do not generally hunt bears at all. They are not generally part of their diet.

Just thought I'd chime in. I have more to say, but not much time to post at the moment.


The Dude
09-13-2012, 08:23 AM
Fish bears are useless table fare anyway. Absolutely disgusting.
What they should be asking for is an exclusion zone around certain selected river mouths, so that the Eco-Tours can take place without Lars from Sweden getting horrified by a hunter shooting Yogi.
These zones could be quite localized, we leave them alone, they leave the other 99% of the zone alone, and everybody wins.

Rack attack
09-13-2012, 08:30 AM
I think that with what the chief says that the gov. is not doing its job in protecting bear numbers opens the door for our elected thumb up thier ass leaders to demand that all groups must report how many bears are being taken . That is the only way that the bear populations can be mantained at a healthy level .

09-13-2012, 08:33 AM
Jessie Housty of the Heiltsuk Nation says trophy hunting threatens the First Nations ecotourism industry and a total ban on such hunting is needed to protect both the bears and the industry.
© Copyright (c) The Province

Pretty well sums it up in a nutshell..It's all about MONEY. It doesn't matter what race is involved, when there is money to be made.

I wonder if natives were given exclusive hunting guiding rights, to the entire province, just how fast hunting would suddenly become their #1 priority?..
I bet they would soon want bigger allocations for Grizzly's..:-P

09-13-2012, 08:55 AM
including the moderators of these pages, who in these pages, time and time again promotes racial hatred towards Natives, in order to further their own political cause ?

I will never believe your smart... and sophisticated denials.

Promote Hatred? Are you for real? We close more threads about First Nations issues they your aware of. Thus far this has been a OK thread. If First nations folks on mass used the land and it's recourse equally the "dis-like" for them would be significantly less. As it is, all too many groups see revenue from the exploitation of their "assumed power" to the disadvantage off all others, including the ANIMALS.

Many First Nations groups truly are responsible users of the land, but it's the vocal few that rock the boat time and time again.

If you don't like the way us mods are doing our jobs, Marc's your man. You've been around since 2005 and still you come back. We can't be that bad huh!!!

09-13-2012, 09:09 AM
Alright time for me to chime in on this one. I am part Native Indian, and several of my relatives are full Native Indian. I see no racist comments being made here. More like a few people getting pissed off because they do not like some of the statements being made by people that disagree with the governments position with Native Indians or decisions/actions being made by Native Indians. And instead of coming up with an intelligent rebuttle it's easier for you to just make accusations of racism.

I personally agree that in many cases the Native Indians in this province or country for that matter in many ways take advantage of our government. Let's face it, Native Indians gave up most of there heritage the day they started hunting with rifles, fishing from power boats, cooking food in an oven all while living comfortably in a house filled with plastic products manufactured by DuPont. And these types of Natives are hypocrites.

But on the other hand there are those Natives that do practice traditional hunting methods, fishing methods, cooking methods etc etc and to them I say give them a slice of the pie but not the whole pie.

Now for those that want to make stupid statements like " Green Peace destroyed a multi billion dollar fishing industry in Newfoundland " get your head out of your ass. The people of Newfoundland destroyed the cod fishery by taking everything they could out of the water to make a buck. I know I spend half my year in Newfoundland working for the past 6 years. I know all about the history of the cod fishery.

So before you just openly make accusations of racism as a easy bail out to making a sensible rebuttle or before you start sighting other examples to justify a statement make sure you know what the hell you are talking about because you only make yourself look like a foolish ass in the end.

09-13-2012, 09:10 AM
Pretty well sums it up in a nutshell..It's all about MONEY. It doesn't matter what race is involved, when there is money to be made.

I wonder if natives were given exclusive hunting guiding rights, to the entire province, just how fast hunting would suddenly become their #1 priority?..
I bet they would soon want bigger allocations for Grizzly's..:-P

And the trophy hunt (it IS a pure trophy hunt in the keenest sense of the word) of grizzlies is about.........conservation?? lol. Of course it's about money. One dead grizzly brings in 1 german tourist to kill it. Same grizzly alive on the beach brings in 30 boat fulls of german tourists. Pretty simple economics at play here. I don't necessarily agree with their approach, but you don't want to fight the Heiltsuk, those Housty's are pretty smart folk...

09-13-2012, 09:15 AM
And the trophy hunt (it IS a pure trophy hunt in the keenest sense of the word) of grizzlies is about.........conservation?? lol. Of course it's about money. One dead grizzly brings in 1 german tourist to kill it. Same grizzly alive on the beach brings in 30 boat fulls of german tourists. Pretty simple economics at play here. I don't necessarily agree with their approach, but you don't want to fight the Heiltsuk, those Housty's are pretty smart folk...

You must be racist because you think only Germans are tourists :-P

09-13-2012, 09:21 AM
Yeah, the squarehead who works for the FN's is racist. You got me ;)

The Dude
09-13-2012, 09:21 AM
You must be racist because you think only Germans are tourists :-P

LMAO........ TWO good posts!

Stone Sheep Steve
09-13-2012, 09:35 AM
I think that with what the chief says that the gov. is not doing its job in protecting bear numbers opens the door for our elected thumb up thier ass leaders to demand that all groups must report how many bears are being taken . That is the only way that the bear populations can be mantained at a healthy level .

All grizzlies are on LEH and are compulsary inspected and have been for quite some time.
Sow harvest is closely monitored and subsequent LEH #'s are adjusted accordingly.


09-13-2012, 09:35 AM
Of course the grizzly hunt is a trophy hunt! So is the Stanley Cup. That, in and of itself, doesn't make it wrong or un-ethical.

And bear numbers have never been healthier.

Grizzlies are a resource that can and should be shared by ALL user groups. None to the exclusion of the other.

When I'm not allowed to legally hunt anymore, it will simply save me money on tags, and with no seasons, I can plan my hunt for when I want to go. :-P

09-13-2012, 09:57 AM
Thats funny that you get that from these threads. What I get from all of them is that the majority of the people posting and myself included would like to see everybody in this country be treated the same under the laws of the country and to be afforded the same rights and opportunities in life regardless of race, religious beliefs, age, or sexual preference. The irony is that you have a group in this country that demands to be treated differently and to be afforded rights that nobody else has based on race, but if you are to speak out against this by demanding equality you are a racist.

Demand be treated differently? You're wrong.

09-13-2012, 10:10 AM
Don't feel sorry for Jelly, I goad you won, I got more fesh air than you did and I Garrrrr in Tea it!
I post because I can, I don't go on any other sites. A Tall.
Living life? I breath, I drink water, I eat, and train on the Iron Mike system, with George Foreman and Ali training manuals, for future fights and setting up combinations, weaving my way through the mass n trash, moy ty, pang-cration, floyd patterson, gsp and Jon (Bones) Jones. I'm toned. Big boned, ripped and shredded, i'm dreaded
I know who I Ahm. If I saw you drowning, I would not lend a hand -- I can feel it in the air tonight -- I've seen yer type b4
Jp ( Hands of Stone ) Ty's Son -- I'm watchin you -- The Back Attacker -- The come from behind -- Circuit Breaker -
Jel (The Circuit ) Breaker -- Separation -- separated and broken -- hacked n jacked -- I owe you one -- yer done like deener

hahaha I love this guy:shock:

09-13-2012, 10:24 AM
This is an interesting thread that I admittedly havent read fully yet (about to do so over a coffee). One interesting thing I'd like to mention is that when I had initiated the Grizzly Hunting petition that is currently running, I had an email from a member of the BCWF who had heard that the Tobacco Plains Indian tribe wanted to show their support for the petition as well. It would be interesting to see how many other First Nations bands support the hunt as well.

09-13-2012, 11:56 AM
No grizzly hunting on the coast. No moose hunting in region 5. Road blockades. Native-only fisheries. The slippery slope is getting steeper!

09-13-2012, 12:12 PM
Thats funny that you get that from these threads. What I get from all of them is that the majority of the people posting and myself included would like to see everybody in this country be treated the same under the laws of the country and to be afforded the same rights and opportunities in life regardless of race, religious beliefs, age, or sexual preference. The irony is that you have a group in this country that demands to be treated differently and to be afforded rights that nobody else has based on race, but if you are to speak out against this by demanding equality you are a racist.

Well put. Really - Who is being racist in this situation?

09-13-2012, 01:17 PM
I like, but also hate reading these kinds of threads.
So let me get this straight. The Kitasoo First Nation, a "group" of people that I cannot be part of because of my race, is going to "assume the authority and enforce a closure on such hunting" because they believe that the Province, a "group" of people that anybody, regardless of race, religion, etc. can be part of (and, incidentally, like it or not, is supposed to set the laws), "has been negligent in its responsibility to monitor the hunt".
Let's have a quick look at a UN definition shall we?...
the term "racial discrimination" shall mean any distinction, exclusion, restriction, or preference based on race (http://www.huntingbc.ca/wiki/Race_(classification_of_human_beings)), colour, descent (http://www.huntingbc.ca/wiki/Cultural_heritage), or national or ethnic (http://www.huntingbc.ca/wiki/Ethnicity) origin that has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of human rights (http://www.huntingbc.ca/wiki/Human_rights) and fundamental freedoms in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life.[21] (http://www.huntingbc.ca/forum/#cite_note-20)

Hmmmm....let's see now....because I disagree with, and am fundamentally opposed to, a group (read:race) of people "assuming authority and enforcing" a law, ANY law, that supercedes ANY law that my democratically elected Government has written, makes ME a racist???

09-13-2012, 01:36 PM
natives are getting desperate to control any thing that has commercial value, expect more to come as the cost of living rises..can't blame them for trying to protect their only resource(s), it's too bad that they can't do a better job at maintaining public relations..

.330 Dakota
09-13-2012, 02:32 PM
The problem as I see it is that the anti's have found an inroad with the FN, and are using them to further their own agenda. So whats in it for the FN?
I would bet that with a little digging we would find a financial incentive for the FN, by means of a share of the Eco-tourism profits etc, from the anti groups. So as a group we hunters need to talk to the govt about either standing firm against the FN and their dirty friends, or to offer 5 bucks of every hunting license fee to them as an incentive to f$#@ off.

09-13-2012, 04:01 PM
My thoughts exactly. Couldnt have said it any better.

09-13-2012, 05:24 PM
Just go hunting if you want to.

I just saw on the news that there is the same bear/ trophy hunting rules as always.

09-13-2012, 05:27 PM
This IS Crown land. That's the whole point. Most reserves get totally shot off, then they pull this on Crown land, denying people rights because of race.....

So who are the real racists here?

hey Dude I couldn't agree more

Everyone keeps saying that members here are racist towards the natives but I believe its the natives being racist towards the rest of us. We as canadian citizens and BC citzens should have the same rights as the natives in my beliefs. Why is it they can over ride the government and set there own rules. Between this and the moose closure in region 5 it just makes you wonder whats next?????

09-13-2012, 06:52 PM
The natives do not care because their rights to hunt are protected. It is also no secret that natives have and will continue to work with anti hunting groups to limit resident and non-resident/GO hunting opportunities. Seems like a great deal of making money on Eco tourism, make money "consulting" anti-hunting groups, and you have all the game to hunt for yourself and after you take what you need you can sell the rest to whitey.

very well put!

09-13-2012, 06:57 PM
Rather than sit back, voice how you feel about the situations that have been arising. I honestly don't think the masses on here are as you termed it "racist" but rather most have had enough of trying to live within a race motivated society. Most including myself have not grown up "racist" but I do see it happening more and more aimed at caucasians rather than the flipside.

Excellent comeback burger

09-13-2012, 07:40 PM
Alright time for me to chime in on this one. I am part Native Indian, and several of my relatives are full Native Indian. I see no racist comments being made here. More like a few people getting pissed off because they do not like some of the statements being made by people that disagree with the governments position with Native Indians or decisions/actions being made by Native Indians. And instead of coming up with an intelligent rebuttle it's easier for you to just make accusations of racism.

I personally agree that in many cases the Native Indians in this province or country for that matter in many ways take advantage of our government. Let's face it, Native Indians gave up most of there heritage the day they started hunting with rifles, fishing from power boats, cooking food in an oven all while living comfortably in a house filled with plastic products manufactured by DuPont. And these types of Natives are hypocrites.

But on the other hand there are those Natives that do practice traditional hunting methods, fishing methods, cooking methods etc etc and to them I say give them a slice of the pie but not the whole pie.

Now for those that want to make stupid statements like " Green Peace destroyed a multi billion dollar fishing industry in Newfoundland " get your head out of your ass. The people of Newfoundland destroyed the cod fishery by taking everything they could out of the water to make a buck. I know I spend half my year in Newfoundland working for the past 6 years. I know all about the history of the cod fishery.

So before you just openly make accusations of racism as a easy bail out to making a sensible rebuttle or before you start sighting other examples to justify a statement make sure you know what the hell you are talking about because you only make yourself look like a foolish ass in the end.

Also a very good comment, this thread is getting better bye the minute


Stone Sheep Steve
09-14-2012, 05:20 AM
Was good to see Minister Thompson defending the grizzly season on the News last night. Sure hope he stays in the position for a lot longer.


09-14-2012, 06:52 AM
I never read about anything negative about Greenpeace in these pages, which makes me suspicious, since Greenpeace has done far more damage to hunting and fishing in Canada than any group of Native political organization could ever dream of.

Greenpeace would like to stop grizzly, black bear and wolf hunt in British Columbia. Are Greenpeace or other "environmental groups" working with Native groups in order to stop the grizz hunt ?

If Greenpeace, "under the table", is working with the Native political groups, in order to stop hunting in British Columbia, which would not surprise me, we B.C. are hunter are in for a rough ride, and stupid racial attack against Natives in these fine pages will only anger and fuel further ban on our hunting rights, which both Native political groups and Greenpeace activist are counting on and will capitalize further on, officially proving to the public that B.C. hunter are racist morons, who should not be allowed to allowed to hunt, own and carry guns.

If you want your concerns of an eventual Native ban on grizz hunting to be taken seriously, cut out this perpetual racism against the Natives in these pages, which many of you will deny, because it has become an negative institution in these pages, and can and will make us lose important public support for our hunting rights, if you do not stop.

09-14-2012, 07:14 AM
snowhunter, I'm guessing you would call Bob a racist in this video?

09-14-2012, 08:10 AM
I don't think snowhunter actually understands what racism is.

09-14-2012, 08:36 AM
So if green peace announced they were going to close all bear hunting in bc, Would that make us racist against green people?

09-14-2012, 08:50 AM
I edited my first post and want to apologize for using the word "RACIST" i was wrong to use that word as most of the comments and members are truly not racist! Bad choice of words on my part so again sorry i was wrong in using that term ! I believe the readon FN get there cultural rights is because the Canadian government know what they did to them was wrong and to take away ones culture is unfair and wrong! If FN put blockades up on crownland they should be arrested just like we would be if i decided to block a road for any reason ...

09-14-2012, 09:14 AM
I thought that in Canada all people are equal? Looks like to me that some people are more equal than others. If one group of people can do something them all groups of people can do it as well. If one group of people don't have to pay taxes, then all groups of people should not have to pay taxes. If one group of people can hunt whenever they want and shoot whatever they want then all groups of people should also be able to do it. If one group of people can sell their fish for money then all groups of people should be able to do it as well. EQUAL IS EQUAL!! Inequality will always be there when one group of people are treated more favourably than others. And thats what makes people upset.

09-14-2012, 09:18 AM
Hey Grousedaddy. Keep in mind that the Native Indians are a "conquered" nation. Like it or not but they lost to the european and british people.

09-14-2012, 09:21 AM
If that were true glassman we wouldnt be having this debate plain and simple. Also the tax thing only works if they work on a reservation or by goods on a reservation... If your FN and work and live off the rez your paying tax just like we do and there are not too many reservations with tons of jobs and shopping to be had... KIB , westbank and a few otheres have some shopping and jobs but most reservations are in the middle of the bush withaybe a little gas station on them....

09-14-2012, 09:34 AM
Its called death by a thousand cuts. Expect more of the same. One group slowly eroding the rights of another group while the gov. looks the other way!

09-14-2012, 09:57 AM
I saw on the morning news that a government rep actually said that the natives do no have the authority to enforce a ban on bear hunting. He also said that the Government supports hunting and that hunting brings $350 million into the coffers. Nice to see that they may be actually growing a pair.

The Dude
09-14-2012, 10:04 AM
I don't think Snowdaddy understands much of anything, I'm afraid......

Sorry: Edit: NOHunter.....

Dammit, sorry....sorry....

Snowhunter........ My bad, Dawg.

Awww, crap, sorry Noah Dawg! Not you, dawg!... dammit!

Can't say anything anymore!

The Dude
09-14-2012, 10:08 AM
snowhunter, I'm guessing you would call Bob a racist in this video?

Now that's funny as hell, I don't care who you are.

09-14-2012, 10:57 AM
If that were true glassman we wouldnt be having this debate plain and simple. Also the tax thing only works if they work on a reservation or by goods on a reservation... If your FN and work and live off the rez your paying tax just like we do and there are not too many reservations with tons of jobs and shopping to be had... KIB , westbank and a few otheres have some shopping and jobs but most reservations are in the middle of the bush withaybe a little gas station on them....

Oh, but delivery of items, such as trucks, TV's etc. can be taken on the res. qualifying them for no tax. I have a status relative who successfully used a pic of an item with the welcome to "xy7'tsa???" nation sign in the background to claim tax free. But that's not racist.

09-14-2012, 11:42 AM
Please, we don't want to lose another proud member on this totally awesome hunting BC site because they take a personal stand different than most udders. Where did Reno go? We lost contact. He was a fine contributor.
Jel .. Reno we lost contact ... earth to reno, do you copy? Radio check, radio check, do you copy? Hello.

09-14-2012, 01:24 PM
Your right if a place will deliver to a reserve then they can claim no tax but not all places will deliver to a reserve... Also the company needs a status number to put down for a tax exemption so your relative must have provided a status card not just some pic i call bs on that no reputable company would risk there buisness to tax exempt a customer... And no its not racist , its a buisness transaction where the only party that looses out is the government and they get enough tax from my paycheck and everything i buy from a store just so some guy can sit on welfare with my tax dollars

QUOTE=steel_ram;1202142]Oh, but delivery of items, such as trucks, TV's etc. can be taken on the res. qualifying them for no tax. I have a status relative who successfully used a pic of an item with the welcome to "xy7'tsa???" nation sign in the background to claim tax free. But that's not racist.[/QUOTE]

09-14-2012, 02:27 PM
Well here goes,im sure Mark will kick me off but dont care.I was born here, my parents and grandparents on both sides born here. I have as much cultural rights to hunt as any native. If I encounter any roadblocks Im gonna hit the throttle. No sense whining about it, its all our land and if you want to hunt it, hunt it, **** them !

09-14-2012, 02:33 PM
No you dont taurus as much as you think you do..... Go shoot a big bull without a leh tag and see what happens, at some point in your familly tree you will see where you TRULY came from..

09-14-2012, 02:41 PM
I would never shoot an animal without proper tags and or out of season. What im sayin is. if Ive planned a trip and travelled to get some where, no native blockade is stopping me!Further more im not racist, I have native friends who are quite embarred by these actions.

09-14-2012, 03:38 PM
Im with you on the blockade thing taurus i would also cruise right on by with my finger in the air because its considered crown land and bot reserve land

09-14-2012, 04:13 PM
The natives do not care because their rights to hunt are protected. It is also no secret that natives have and will continue to work with anti hunting groups to limit resident and non-resident/GO hunting opportunities. Seems like a great deal of making money on Eco tourism, make money "consulting" anti-hunting groups, and you have all the game to hunt for yourself and after you take what you need you can sell the rest to whitey.

Eco tourism is a facade. It is not a real industry. Maybe for a coastal whale watching outfits but no one is going up in droves to the inaccessible terrain that grizzlies prefer for a fleeting glimpse of a griz that may never appear. This is a negotiation chip for something else. There is far more dollars in GO hunting and maybe the local FN want to monopolize this to get the economic benefit playing the enviro card. Not to be too cynical but a lot of enviro concerns/objections get turned when the $$ is right. Just sayin'.

09-14-2012, 04:18 PM
[QUOTE=Grousedaddy;1202218]Your right if a place will deliver to a reserve then they can claim no tax but not all places will deliver to a reserve... Also the company needs a status number to put down for a tax exemption so your relative must have provided a status card not just some pic i call bs on that no reputable company would risk there buisness to tax exempt a customer... And no its not racist , its a buisness transaction where the only party that looses out is the government and they get enough tax from my paycheck and everything i buy from a store just so some guy can sit on welfare with my tax dollars

That is correct, they do have a status card as per my post. "I have a status relative . . . . ".

Any business will deliver to a reserve if it's worth their while. If they won't, the competition will. Tax not payed in taxes to the government isn't just the gov't losing out, it's all of us that are losing out in the end. I can't do it because I don't have, can't have or ever get a status card and it's privileges because I am not of the native race . . . . . That sir is racist by the most basic definition.

09-14-2012, 04:31 PM
We're in Canada get used to it, different rights for all kinds of ethnic groups. For instance:
1. No need to wear a bike helmet for some groups
2. Some can carry a small sword when others can't
3. Some inmates get special meals because their on a cultural diet
I could go on until number 100, but if a person does not want to understand, they won't. They say oh, that's a religion not a race thing or that's a law. But still won't try to see, Canada treats races different period, so should the people who live here, who are those diverse people of their own culture.
Some just like to pick on or focus on one culture to blame for the differences. Instead of the many cultures and ethnic groups in Toronto and Vancouver.
Jel .. Learn that Canada has different laws for different races, Period, then get over it, life isn't fair. ok.

09-14-2012, 04:32 PM
Then your calling your own government racist because they decide who is status and who is not! You like paying tax to a racist government??

09-14-2012, 04:33 PM
Very well put Jelly

09-14-2012, 04:43 PM
Not only that, but but but, lol, the jobs the government posts, may state, preference is given to certain types of people. What do you call that? Favoritism or preference to one group.
Lots of jobs in Canada are based on percentage quotas, have to have so many women on the payroll, so many natives, so many visible minorities, and disabled individuals, this my friend is modern day reality, not like it was years a go. This makes some mad, some body got the job and was less qualified than another, but the quota needed to be fixed. This is done by the governments own rules of employment. Labor relations.
Jel .. Modern day ideas that crimp the shorts of the ones who want everything the same. Ha, not going to happen and we all know that, we just (won't) accept it. Won't is different than can't. It's a personal choice.

09-14-2012, 04:49 PM
We're in Canada get used to it, different rights for all kinds of ethnic groups. For instance:
1. No need to wear a bike helmet for some groups
2. Some can carry a small sword when others can't
3. Some inmates get special meals because their on a cultural diet
I could go on until number 100, but if a person does not want to understand, they won't. They say oh, that's a religion not a race thing or that's a law. But still won't try to see, Canada treats races different period, so should the people who live here, who are those diverse people of their own culture.
Some just like to pick on or focus on one culture to blame for the differences. Instead of the many cultures and ethnic groups in Toronto and Vancouver.
Jel .. Learn that Canada has different laws for different races, Period, then get over it, life isn't fair. ok.

couldnt agree more Jel

on another note I didnt know you could type and make sense in a whole paragraph lol

Stone Sheep Steve
09-14-2012, 04:58 PM
We're in Canada get used to it, different rights for all kinds of ethnic groups. For instance:
1. No need to wear a bike helmet for some groups
2. Some can carry a small sword when others can't
3. Some inmates get special meals because their on a cultural diet
I could go on until number 100, but if a person does not want to understand, they won't. They say oh, that's a religion not a race thing or that's a law. But still won't try to see, Canada treats races different period, so should the people who live here, who are those diverse people of their own culture.
Some just like to pick on or focus on one culture to blame for the differences. Instead of the many cultures and ethnic groups in Toronto and Vancouver.
Jel .. Learn that Canada has different laws for different races, Period, then get over it, life isn't fair. ok.

It's certainly a "different world" Jelly.


09-14-2012, 06:59 PM
Hundreds of Govn't employee and other large establishment names cross over my desk every week. I dare say, going by the names that a non european name is definately an asset, the more consonants the better.

Until we are all one homogeneous race, equality and peace will never happen. It will never happen.

09-14-2012, 07:18 PM
On the original topic... would this be considered vigilantism if it was a group other than natives that were proposing it?

09-14-2012, 07:53 PM
On the original topic... would this be considered vigilantism if it was a group other than natives that were proposing it?

Depends on their tactics I guess. If they are peaceful, and chain themselves to grizzly bears, then it would be a bit like that Clayoquot Sound protest back in the 90s. The largest act of civil disobedience in Canada's history. Those tree huggers got called a lot of things but never vigilantes!

09-14-2012, 09:35 PM
Depends on their tactics I guess. If they are peaceful, and chain themselves to grizzly bears, then it would be a bit like that Clayoquot Sound protest back in the 90s. The largest act of civil disobedience in Canada's history. Those tree huggers got called a lot of things but never vigilantes!

maybe they should do this just to see what they're protecting. It might do them some good.

The Dude
09-15-2012, 02:29 AM
Depends on their tactics I guess. If they are peaceful, and chain themselves to grizzly bears, then it would be a bit like that Clayoquot Sound protest back in the 90s. The largest act of civil disobedience in Canada's history. Those tree huggers got called a lot of things but never vigilantes!


Nature Man
09-15-2012, 07:43 AM
One set of laws for all! WE ARE ALL HUMAN! In this day and age of globalization we as Canadians need to get together and protect what we have got. we may wake up one day to foriegn ownership of our hunting rights.

09-15-2012, 08:47 AM
Oh and I forgot to mention free education and major favortism in high school. Oh ya, and something else. I dont get money handed to me from the goverment. I give money to gov and then gov gives money to natives. Fair? not really is it! How many hundreds of millions is the bc gov giving to natives? And then there is the money the fed gov gives them as well. Some band leaders have money stashed in swiss accounts. For security and privacy reasons i wont give out names, or how I know this, but one fellow has over a hundred million $ in swiss accounts. So don't come preaching to me that natives want to be treated equal. I wish I was treated as equal as they are.

The Dude
09-15-2012, 08:54 AM
Oh and I forgot to mention free education and major favortism in high school. Oh ya, and something else. I dont get money handed to me from the goverment. I give money to gov and then gov gives money to natives. Fair? not really is it! How many hundreds of millions is the bc gov giving to natives? And then there is the money the fed gov gives them as well. Some band leaders have money stashed in swiss accounts. For security and privacy reasons i wont give out names, or how I know this, but one fellow has over a hundred million $ in swiss accounts. So don't come preaching to me that natives want to be treated equal. I wish I was treated as equal as they are.

Back that up. Or shut it.

09-15-2012, 09:01 AM
Back that up. Or shut it.

No kidding.

09-15-2012, 09:51 AM
Wheres this free gov money because im going to tell my wife to go get us some ...... Never has she been given free money for being native only free money we ever got was a gst check which we dont even get now. You sure got some wild information

09-15-2012, 10:05 AM
Oh and I forgot to mention free education and major favortism in high school. Oh ya, and something else. I dont get money handed to me from the goverment. I give money to gov and then gov gives money to natives. Fair? not really is it! How many hundreds of millions is the bc gov giving to natives? And then there is the money the fed gov gives them as well. Some band leaders have money stashed in swiss accounts. For security and privacy reasons i wont give out names, or how I know this, but one fellow has over a hundred million $ in swiss accounts. So don't come preaching to me that natives want to be treated equal. I wish I was treated as equal as they are.
Well I to would like to see you back that up ! $ 100 million ! I doubt it ,But hey I would love to be proved wrong !

Whonnock Boy
09-15-2012, 11:38 AM
:| It would not surprise me one bit.

09-15-2012, 12:20 PM
You guys talk like no white politician has ever stole money from us ...... Im sure there has been chiefs in the past and the future that will abusive there power for financial gain.... This thread has gone so far off the topic every race on this earth will abuse something of some sort at one time or another so any thing you say about FN its been done by a white guy...

09-15-2012, 12:26 PM
So gdaddy how are u cashing in on your wife?not using any benefits?how about tax free gas u use that?

09-15-2012, 12:34 PM
tax free gas is only if the pumps are on the rez itself, and if the gas station on the rez is $1.39 per litre and the one off the reserve is $1.20 then buy it off reserve and pay the tax, it will still be cheaper than tax free on. So it's a quessing game and a person would need a gas station price check before figuring it out.
Jel .. Go where the prices are cheaper, never mind the tax or no tax thing, that means sqwat, it's about the price.
The price is right

09-15-2012, 12:37 PM
On the CTV news last night, they simply said "bears" and didn't specify what species. Are we talking just Griz or is this petaining to black bear as well?

Also, only "trophy hunting" is mentioned in the news article. How do they know whether I am hunting a black bear for food or as a trophy?

Also, who are the FN people to say they will establish their own laws and enforce them. Last time I looked that was called "insurrection", which is a form of treason. The government needs to stop "cringing" when it comes to a single group (however vocal and "in vogue") making unreasonable demands at the expense of others.

Finally, I have to say that discrimination is a two-way street. Those who want to have it all their own way and give nothing to this country in return (and at the expense of the rest of society) are no better than any other social parasite and it sickens me that they are continually catered to as if they somehow more special than everybody else. This is most definitely a form of inverted discrimination. I have no issues with people being treated as equals across the board, but I've had it with certain segments of society being given special rights above the average person because they whine louder than others or because of some notion of past inequities. ENOUGH ALREADY!

09-15-2012, 12:43 PM
Taxes were originally brought in to help pay for the World war, and were to be temporary, but it's still here.
What's up wit dat?

09-15-2012, 12:48 PM
Ya everysingle time i need to fill up the tank i track her down to save 3$ on my purchase lmao... I get more of a discount buying gas at safeway with the 5 cents a litre for loyal customers lol. Id be more concerned with all the crackheads using welfare then my wife saving maybe 100$ a year on gasoline. I sure as hell didnt marry my wife to save a few bucks on gas if thats what your getting at? Ive never seen or heard of any fn around here getting free gov money unless its from welfare which is available to ALL Canadians if needed and your approved for it.

09-15-2012, 01:12 PM
Taxes were originally brought in to help pay for the World war, and were to be temporary, but it's still here.
What's up wit dat?

hey jello-bello you are little bit [actually about 2000 years behind] your timing-------:shock: ..( And this (http://raamattu.uskonkirjat.net/servlet/biblesite.Bible?lex=Thayer&ref=Luuk.+2%3A2&ent=3778) taxing (http://raamattu.uskonkirjat.net/servlet/biblesite.Bible?lex=Thayer&ref=Luuk.+2%3A2&ent=582) was (http://raamattu.uskonkirjat.net/servlet/biblesite.Bible?lex=Thayer&ref=Luuk.+2%3A2&ent=1096) first (http://raamattu.uskonkirjat.net/servlet/biblesite.Bible?lex=Thayer&ref=Luuk.+2%3A2&ent=4413) made (http://raamattu.uskonkirjat.net/servlet/biblesite.Bible?lex=Thayer&ref=Luuk.+2%3A2&ent=1096&ent2=5633) when Cyrenius (http://raamattu.uskonkirjat.net/servlet/biblesite.Bible?lex=Thayer&ref=Luuk.+2%3A2&ent=2958) was governor (http://raamattu.uskonkirjat.net/servlet/biblesite.Bible?lex=Thayer&ref=Luuk.+2%3A2&ent=2230&ent2=5723) of Syria.) (http://raamattu.uskonkirjat.net/servlet/biblesite.Bible?lex=Thayer&ref=Luuk.+2%3A2&ent=4947):-P

09-15-2012, 01:14 PM
Only thing I noticed about getting any real daily deal, was on ciggy butts, because the government makes mega bucks on ciggy butts, a sin tax. You smoke em, you get addicted, more money for the government.
Then the government makes the ciggy company put fowl pictures of rotting teeth and gums on the ciggy package.
As if they give a crap, why don't they outlaw ciggy butts if there so bad to health? Why? Because they make billions on the taxes.
Gambling is another sin tax. Here's an example of some government so called loving concerns for the public's health and safety.
1. Don't gamble to make money, play for fun. lol why they say this? they know you ain't going to win a cent.
2. Don't smoke please the health costs are driving us to debt. But we get gahzillions from the taxes
Oh yah we put the prices of taxes way up per pack so less people will afford them, and won't smoke. lmao.
3. When a problem arises no one wins, responsible and problem gambling, no your limits and play within it. lol
When we get you addicted to gambling and your deep in debt, your family devastated, we will give you free counselling paid for by the BC government, and we will not allow you back in to the casino for your own good.
Aren't we thoughtful.
4. Liquor stores on every corner, another sin tax, please don't drink and drive, and only drink one little drink at the bar if your driving home. But pick up a flat for home and a 40 pounder, sit there by yourself and get plastered night after night cuz Canada put so much taxes on the booze so to slow you down, aren't we nice.
By the way the booze that was made in Canada, costs you more here than when it's sold in another country.
Tax on tax it's the fax mam.
We are suckers and pawns, being BS'd to the limit, lied to and deceived, but hey, we got to have it.
Jel .. Know your limit, and play within it -- what a crock of sh-t.
No your limit, drink hard and forget it, then spend more that's what their really saying. Haha sucka
Jp ..

09-15-2012, 01:31 PM
No jelvis is right about why income tax was intoduced into Canada

09-15-2012, 03:07 PM
Getting back on topic from Swiss accounts and everything else the point of the thread is that there is a group that has openly admitted that that they will break laws to further their interests. This is a matter of public record as it was stated on the news the other night that they would interfere with hunts and do whatever is needed to stop a legal bear hunt that they believe affects thier business interests. This could be about any group but time and time again the government handle these situations with kid gloves and always give up something to native bands when these situations arise, and one of the most aggravating things is that to keep peace they will just push the law abiding hunter away rather then enforce the laws of the country. If the role was reversed and a group of sportsmen wanted to protest the native fishery and announced that we will take whatever means are needed to stop the fishery do you think they would tell the natives to stay of the river? And do you think said group would get anything out of it beside legal headaches? The only way to get on the same page is to break it down and have a commercial and a recreational fishery and have game management that requires a liscence and tags and that seasons be obeyed and that everybody be treated the same when these laws are broken, if you truly do need to hunt to survive I believe that anybody can apply to be a sustinence hunter and if I am wrong please correct me on that.

09-15-2012, 04:19 PM
If the government charges the natives, the government will have to pay for the lawyers for the natives defense, then pay for the court costs. So why would they do that? R you silly or whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
It's like the government charging themselves, then paying the court costs on both sides against themselves.
The governments know this, and so should others, the cost is the bottom line to many. Dollars talk.
Jp Moregun -- time to realize this and move on --

09-15-2012, 06:05 PM
If the government charges the natives, the government will have to pay for the lawyers for the natives defense, then pay for the court costs. So why would they do that? R you silly or whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa?
It's like the government charging themselves, then paying the court costs on both sides against themselves.
The governments know this, and so should others, the cost is the bottom line to many. Dollars talk.
Jp Moregun -- time to realize this and move on --

And that is the point, why should they pay the lawyers for the natives?

09-15-2012, 11:03 PM
Indians under the Indian Act are federal responsibility, the BC government is provincial. The Indians can hunt under the federal Act. In the Canadian Constitution it states it, hasn't changed since it began and won't change. Just because some refuse to believe this doesn't change anything, some just like to bring it up over and over just to grind peoples emotions.
We all know this. It just keeps coming back because some would rather be emotional and deny, deny deny instead of moving on.
In this case of natives saying they will try to stop trophy hunting for bears, is a little different. They wouldn't be legal to interfere with a hunter, but as you know the public who don't hunt at all, will see this as a good thing to stop killing the big bears for just a trophy. It get's on tv and in the news. We hunters understand how hunting is controlled by our government and accept it, but people who never hunted and will never hunt, will side with the Indians. So it's a very touchy subject when the tv shows a big bear being shot by a hunter and see it biting at the bullet entry hole and rolling around screaming and running off bleeding into the bush.
This will end up like some other situations we have seen. This is brought up now on tv and eventually the provincial government will side with the Indians. The news tonight showed the provincial government representative saying he will meet with the natives involved and see what they can do. The writings on the wall.
Jp .. Maybe we don't think this whole idea is good for hunters of bears, but the public that don't hunt, will side with the natives and pressure the government to go along. Remember 94 percent of people in BC don't hunt at all, so we hunters are a low minority of only 6 percent. 6 out of a hundred people by hunting tags the rest don't.
Not a heck of a lot we can do. Wait it out and see is about all. imho.
Or go there and challenge the area Indians by hunting bears in this spot, and see what happens. Plain and simple.
Who will do that? Step up and hunt then tell us how it went.

09-16-2012, 12:06 AM
This seems to be a pattern with you Jelvis, you come on here and post gibberish and garbage that makes no sense and then every once in a while put together a well written post that shows us that are probably a pretty smart guy. Having said that it still follows your typical mo and based on this one I get out of it that natives do not give a crap about the resident hunter and are just working the system to get something and they know they will get it and finish it with a veiled threat. Provincial or federal? Who cares, the point is that the natives will break the law and there will be no punishment. But I see your point about the low numbers of hunters and how this will work against us being only 6% of the population, and I have no doubt that the natives are aware of this and will use it to help them get what they want. Times are changing and people who are struggling will have enough with government handouts and ridiculous spending and demand change, what are natives? 4-5% of the population. Canada has many diverse cultural groups that have flourished and grown without hundreds of millions of dollars of tax dollars and special rules for how they are dealt with.

The Dude
09-16-2012, 12:47 AM
The funny thing is, the vocal Anti's are less than 5% of the population, some say way less, but they're Crusaders, and devoted to a cause, where we are compalcent, and comfortable with our opportunities. They're professionals at mis-information, with pictures of Whitecoat seals and the like (Long been illegal to harvest, but they use that as an emotional button-pusher) used to influence and misinform people on the fence.
We all have to be more proactive in writing letters, having nons over for dinner, and Social media, if that's your deal.

I can't stress enough the fact that having a game BBQ, and inviting non-hunters over for a good, organic meat grill, and a good, respectful story of what hunting means to you can do for our cause to the people that might be swayed by the bunny-huggers.

Also the fact that Natives have teamed up with Anti's in the interest of Eco-Tourism and "Conservation" is almost laughable. Follow the money.

09-16-2012, 02:11 PM
Now for those that want to make stupid statements like " Green Peace destroyed a multi billion dollar fishing industry in Newfoundland " get your head out of your ass. The people of Newfoundland destroyed the cod fishery by taking everything they could out of the water to make a buck. I know I spend half my year in Newfoundland working for the past 6 years. I know all about the history of the cod fishery.

As far as your post about this goes, 6 months obviously didn't teach you much at all, while I agree there was mismanagement in the fisheries the biggest part of the problem was, once again, lack of backbone within our government. There is a 200 mile limit beyond the Newfoundland shore line, past that becomes international waters. The key harvesting areas for the cod fisheries are within the Grand Banks, the top producing areas being 3ps, which happened to extend just beyond the 200 mile limit. This is where others countries would fill their boats well beyond their legal limits and rush home before the coast guard could stop them. Maybe you should study your history.

09-16-2012, 02:34 PM
As far as your post about this goes, 6 months obviously didn't teach you much at all, while I agree there was mismanagement in the fisheries the biggest part of the problem was, once again, lack of backbone within our government. There is a 200 mile limit beyond the Newfoundland shore line, past that becomes international waters. The key harvesting areas for the cod fisheries are within the Grand Banks, the top producing areas being 3ps, which happened to extend just beyond the 200 mile limit. This is where others countries would fill their boats well beyond their legal limits and rush home before the coast guard could stop them. Maybe you should study your history.

Nope. You still have don't know what your talking about. I was just there for the 20 year anniversary and that's all we watched for a week on tv while I was working on a oil rig rig on the Grand Banks which Canada patrols with the only two armed fisheries vessels In the entire coast guard fleet. I can tell you first hand because I've been there that there's next to zero fishing going on out on the grand banks. So quit lecturing someone who has actually been there and seen it with there own two eyes.

Internet makes everyone an expert in 2 minutes on google but someone who really knows anything experiences it first hand. So pull another one out of your back side.

09-16-2012, 02:43 PM
Internet my a$$, I spent half my life there, the first half. I was there when it all started, watched it happen and studied it in class in high school.

09-16-2012, 02:47 PM
From bears to fish hahaha this thread should just be closed its gone way off topic

09-16-2012, 02:47 PM
Internet my a$$, I spent half my life there, the first half. I was there when it all started, watched it happen and studied it in class in high school.

Must of been the Screech discompubulating your brain or you flunked high school.

Next thing you will tell me is Newfoundlanders never voted to become part of Canada.

09-16-2012, 02:49 PM
Neither, but thanks.

09-16-2012, 02:50 PM
From bears to fish hahaha this thread should just be closed its gone way off topic

Yeah the minute the words native, rights and racist were used.

09-16-2012, 02:52 PM
Yeah the minute the words native, rights and racist were used.
We can at least agree on that point.

09-16-2012, 02:52 PM
More boring thread hijackers. Just what we need. GIVE IT A REST!

09-16-2012, 02:56 PM
We can at least agree on that point.

Ill edit my post then :-P

Native orientated discussions never end well for either group.

To stir the pot a bit more I just spent the past 4 days camping with my family at Alouette Lake and was shocked to see bloody nets strung out in the lake and what looked like Natives in a big ass jet drive river boat pulling them in.

WTF, like raping the rivers aren't enough with there non traditional fishing methods they need to destroy the fish stocks in lakes now. Never been so ashamed to be part FIrst Nations.

09-16-2012, 08:39 PM
You should not be ashamed of your heritage because of the actions of people that you share a common ancestry with, it would be great to see people like yourself and other natives speak out against things like this and put the pressure on the people who misuse the rights afforded to them because of their race.

09-16-2012, 09:04 PM
You should not be ashamed of your heritage because of the actions of people that you share a common ancestry with, it would be great to see people like yourself and other natives speak out against things like this and put the pressure on the people who misuse the rights afforded to them because of their race.

Exactly if non FN call them out were racist but if you do it I would think it would hold substantially more clout. Equality as we move forward as a country is really the only non racially motivated solution there is.

09-16-2012, 10:02 PM
Eco tourism is a facade. It is not a real industry. Maybe for a coastal whale watching outfits but no one is going up in droves to the inaccessible terrain that grizzlies prefer for a fleeting glimpse of a griz that may never appear. This is a negotiation chip for something else. There is far more dollars in GO hunting and maybe the local FN want to monopolize this to get the economic benefit playing the enviro card. Not to be too cynical but a lot of enviro concerns/objections get turned when the $$ is right. Just sayin'.

Actually, we deal with a couple Eco Grizz watching companies who beg to differ with this. One company, who bought out Glendale Cove and now use the Fed built and payed for spawning channel as their bear viewing area grosses an avg of 3 million/year, all of if from bear watchers and eco-tourism folks. Not bad for a 5-7 month business. The Grizz tours out of Telegraph Cove avg 15 people/day @ $300/person from spring to fall, then add in whale watching and again not a bad business. If someone can drive to easy access and really want to see a bear, they will. Just go look at all the Europeans in Bella Coola from now until the end of Oct.

As for the hunt on the mid-coast to stop, they would actually need to find the tag holders and the areas they hunt if THEY wanted to stop the hunt. Huge area and not a lot of tags, so let them bark and growl. As long as the Gov does not roll over (which will probably happen if the NDP get in), who really cares if they get their 5 min of fame on TV and in the paper.



09-17-2012, 09:09 AM
I'm heading out to region 5 for my coastal grizzly hunt on Saturday.... Just let them try and stop me!!!!! Won't be pretty!!

09-17-2012, 09:38 AM
Hey Grousedaddy. Keep in mind that the Native Indians are a "conquered" nation. Like it or not but they lost to the european and british people.

HaHa! Thats why they do not pay taxes, hunt when ever they want and have more rights than you. Yep! sounds like their conquered.

09-17-2012, 10:10 AM
Sniff,Sniff, Who needs a tissue? I find it funny that people are crying for equality when not so long ago, FN could not speak their own language, practice their own culture or follow their own religion.At one point, they were not even allowed to keep their own children. Just as much as you are tired of FN's getting special rights I am tired of hearing you whine about it. This "one law" that I keep hearing will NEVER happen, period, so stop talking about it. There are laws which are written in stone, when Canada came to be, which allow FN to hunt whenever they want. They do not break the law, you just don't like the law as it is written. Stop being so narrow minded and self centered and be happy with what YOU are entitled to in this free and democratic society.

09-17-2012, 10:49 AM
Very well said edgar!!!!

Whonnock Boy
09-17-2012, 11:01 AM
Sniff,Sniff, Who needs a tissue? I find it funny that people are crying for equality when not so long ago, FN could not speak their own language, practice their own culture or follow their own religion.At one point, they were not even allowed to keep their own children. Just as much as you are tired of FN's getting special rights I am tired of hearing you whine about it. This "one law" that I keep hearing will NEVER happen, period, so stop talking about it. There are laws which are written in stone, when Canada came to be, which allow FN to hunt whenever they want. They do not break the law, you just don't like the law as it is written. Stop being so narrow minded and self centered and be happy with what YOU are entitled to in this free and democratic society.
It was not right then, and it is not right now. Over time, even stones erode into nothing.

09-17-2012, 11:34 AM
It was not right then, and it is not right now. Over time, even stones erode into nothing.

Or they at least erode to the point they are small enough and you can throw them at someone's head to knock some sense into them.

09-17-2012, 11:39 AM
Equal rights? How do you feel about men can go shirtless in a public venue but women can't. Is that equal?
This being totally equal and the same is impossible. Some people can carry a dagger on a plane, while others would be jailed. I could go on for hours giving examples on the equality issue and how things are unequal.
Life is unequal, some can vote with their faces covered, others would not be allowed, is that equal?
I think I woke you up on the equality issues on these alone, if not, you don't want to understand, you want to be all equal probably because you have a low self opinion and can't compete with others for jobs with the competition and it's requirements, so you want everything to be open to you without adversity.
Jel .. Equality is a myth -- there is none .. You want to look like Jelly, :shock:, 200 pounds of twisted steel and sex appeal.
Ain't going to happen. Tall, dark and handsome, at least you got one out of the three so be happy. :-P

09-17-2012, 11:44 AM
HaHa! Thats why they do not pay taxes, hunt when ever they want and have more rights than you. Yep! sounds like their conquered.

and those rights can be taken away from them overnight so I would say they are conquered.

09-17-2012, 11:53 AM
It was not right then, and it is not right now. Over time, even stones erode into nothing.

Exactly. We all including FN should have learned from the miss deeds of the past but instead we are going down the road of putting the non FN in the same boat that the FN were forced to ride in so long ago. The two tiered system will not work within one society. You have said it before edgar that there are few FN living on the reserves now and they live in all communities. You realistically think that there will not be animosity if people see other people getting an easier ride in the same community??? Give your head a shake.

I will never disagree that what was done in the past was horrendous but move on. Not one person on here had anything to do with what was done but I am being made to pay for it. How long do you think I and my children need to pay for someone elses mistake. Forever?? Does that seem right Edgar?

Take a look at the big picture and ask yourself when can we all be equal. Your people screamed to be treated fair and equal and now you want myself and other non FN to pay back what I never took.

Many people can be narrow minded in their thinking!!!

09-17-2012, 12:04 PM
Hitler created some of the most horrendous crimes against humanity mostly the Jewish but were do we sit now with Germany? Moved on from that pretty darn quick.

09-17-2012, 12:09 PM
We will not forget, and we won't ever. We will bring it up, so it does not happen again. Same as the Hollocost will never be forgotten, even tho many deny it, it will be there forever to remind people how low they can go in a society, and then brush it off like it was nothing. These types of inhumane horrors will not be left to fade away, they will be part of a sick minded, greedy history, but they will not be forgotten --
His story will be remembered so it won't happen ever again to these people and any one else, Peace and Shalome
Jelly (Jeff Scot Soto) Moregun .. Look inside your heart --

09-17-2012, 12:32 PM
We will not forget, and we won't ever. We will bring it up, so it does not happen again. Same as the Hollocost will never be forgotten, even tho many deny it, it will be there forever to remind people how low they can go in a society, and then brush it off like it was nothing. These types of inhumane horrors will not be left to fade away, they will be part of a sick minded, greedy history, but they will not be forgotten --
His story will be remembered so it won't happen ever again to these people and any one else, Peace and Shalome
Jelly (Jeff Scot Soto) Moregun .. Look inside your heart --

Yes we won't forget but we don't make those people alive today pay for the sins of those from the past.

09-17-2012, 02:06 PM
Exactly. We all including FN should have learned from the miss deeds of the past but instead we are going down the road of putting the non FN in the same boat that the FN were forced to ride in so long ago. The two tiered system will not work within one society. You have said it before edgar that there are few FN living on the reserves now and they live in all communities. You realistically think that there will not be animosity if people see other people getting an easier ride in the same community??? Give your head a shake.

I will never disagree that what was done in the past was horrendous but move on. Not one person on here had anything to do with what was done but I am being made to pay for it. How long do you think I and my children need to pay for someone elses mistake. Forever?? Does that seem right Edgar?

Take a look at the big picture and ask yourself when can we all be equal. Your people screamed to be treated fair and equal and now you want myself and other non FN to pay back what I never took.

Many people can be narrow minded in their thinking!!!
Wow! Are you really comparing from what happened in the past to what is happening now? Let's have your kids taken away from you by force and see how that affects you! Some people are allowed to hunt more than you BIG WHOOP! This "two tiered" is like comparing apples to oranges. There is a BIG difference. The big difference between your thinking and mine is I am not wanting what the other guy has all the time I am am happy with what I am given. I do not feel "hard done by" because someone is getting more than me.
And you are somehow paying me something?I am sorry there pal I do not need anything from you as I look after myself and my family all by myself thank you very much. What ever money you THINK is going to FN is going to the not so honest Chiefs. You need to take that up with them.
Finally"my people" did not scream for anything. Do you really think we have the power to do anything, especially change a politicians mind? You give your head a shake!

09-17-2012, 03:04 PM
. What ever money you THINK is going to FN is going to the not so honest Chiefs. You need to take that up with them.

I wish the people most effected by this, those living in poverty on the res. would take on this. Those chiefs must be pretty slick, directing their people'a anguish away from themselves and towards the rest of society.

09-17-2012, 04:00 PM
Wow! Are you really comparing from what happened in the past to what is happening now? Let's have your kids taken away from you by force and see how that affects you! Some people are allowed to hunt more than you BIG WHOOP! This "two tiered" is like comparing apples to oranges. There is a BIG difference. The big difference between your thinking and mine is I am not wanting what the other guy has all the time I am am happy with what I am given. I do not feel "hard done by" because someone is getting more than me.
And you are somehow paying me something?I am sorry there pal I do not need anything from you as I look after myself and my family all by myself thank you very much. What ever money you THINK is going to FN is going to the not so honest Chiefs. You need to take that up with them.
Finally"my people" did not scream for anything. Do you really think we have the power to do anything, especially change a politicians mind? You give your head a shake!

Again look at the big picture...I was not comparing what specific things were done back then to now. What I am comparing is the fact that the rights and freedoms were taken away back then just like they are now being slowly done again maybe not to the open and shut case like back then but do two wrongs make a right? Also it has nothing to be able to hunt more than me I get my fill just like most on here.

I also never used you as a reference about getting paid but rather the whole FN society is supported by tax dollars to the tune of billions a year so yes I am paying for FN maybe not you personally but I am still paying.

Why would I need to make sure YOUR leaders are sharing the wealth...Manage your own shit if you want to be autonomous. Why dont you go to your leaders and demand to know where the money went. They are your government aren't they??

If you want to believe that your peoples voice is not being heard then that's your issue not mine. The government is really only listening to your people as of late.

09-17-2012, 04:15 PM
Actually, we deal with a couple Eco Grizz watching companies who beg to differ with this. One company, who bought out Glendale Cove and now use the Fed built and payed for spawning channel as their bear viewing area grosses an avg of 3 million/year, all of if from bear watchers and eco-tourism folks.

So where does that 3 mil / yr go then? I heard on good authority the guys who run Glendale only pay a few hundred $ a yr to the BC gov for exclusive ecotourism rights over the whole Knight Inlet area. And as you say they are using a fed built / paid for hatchery. So it is neither scalable nor financially sustainable without subsidies from the BC and fed govt....

High Country
09-17-2012, 05:00 PM
Think of the country like a family! Pretend you have two children. You tell one he has to follow the laws of the land. He can only harvest one deer where you tell to him and when you tell him. Now tell your other son he can hunt where he wants when he wants and harvest as much as he wants. Now as a father do you think your children will get along? Now it get nasty when dad doesn't have the balls to straighten out the mess because he is caught in a popularity battle. Our government f'd up long ago by going to a two tiered system. It never had a chance! But they don't have the balls to stand up and correct it. They are to worried about being political. I feel we are ruled enough. I will not support new rules being stuffed down our throats by those that don't have the authority to do so. If I want to hunt for my family I'm gonna do just that.

09-17-2012, 09:51 PM
So where does that 3 mil / yr go then? I heard on good authority the guys who run Glendale only pay a few hundred $ a yr to the BC gov for exclusive ecotourism rights over the whole Knight Inlet area. And as you say they are using a fed built / paid for hatchery. So it is neither scalable nor financially sustainable without subsidies from the BC and fed govt....

What subsidies are you talking about???

They pay a few grand a year for the use of the foreshore lease and SUP on land (which is no different than logging companies or floating fish lodges etc.). The spawning channel was there long before they set up and they do not pay for eco-tourism in Knights. They actually have no exclusive rights to anything in Knights other than the lease areas. You could plan to set up next door to them and there is nothing they could do (except fight your application). The Grizz operation out of Telegraph also uses the same areas as Glendale, except the spawning channel. I believe there is 3-4 operators in Knights

This operation, plus a few others on the coast make huge money (3 mill minus taxes/operating costs/lease fees still leaves a huge amount of $$$ in their pockets).

Not sure where we are going with this. I was just stating that there is money to be made in eco-tourism and bear watching and like any other business, some make it, some don't.



09-18-2012, 12:09 AM
I have been thinking exactly the same thing for a long long time.
Think of the country like a family! Pretend you have two children. You tell one he has to follow the laws of the land. He can only harvest one deer where you tell to him and when you tell him. Now tell your other son he can hunt where he wants when he wants and harvest as much as he wants. Now as a father do you think your children will get along? Now it get nasty when dad doesn't have the balls to straighten out the mess because he is caught in a popularity battle. Our government f'd up long ago by going to a two tiered system. It never had a chance! But they don't have the balls to stand up and correct it. They are to worried about being political. I feel we are ruled enough. I will not support new rules being stuffed down our throats by those that don't have the authority to do so. If I want to hunt for my family I'm gonna do just that.

09-19-2012, 02:48 PM
Wheres the part when you treated one of your sons like shit by stripping him of everything including his own kids????? You make it sound as both sons were treated equal to begin with .... Give your head a shake and go read a book on Native history you may learn something..

Think of the country like a family! Pretend you have two children. You tell one he has to follow the laws of the land. He can only harvest one deer where you tell to him and when you tell him. Now tell your other son he can hunt where he wants when he wants and harvest as much as he wants. Now as a father do you think your children will get along? Now it get nasty when dad doesn't have the balls to straighten out the mess because he is caught in a popularity battle. Our government f'd up long ago by going to a two tiered system. It never had a chance! But they don't have the balls to stand up and correct it. They are to worried about being political. I feel we are ruled enough. I will not support new rules being stuffed down our throats by those that don't have the authority to do so. If I want to hunt for my family I'm gonna do just that.

09-19-2012, 03:22 PM
Wheres the part when you treated one of your sons like shit by stripping him of everything including his own kids????? You make it sound as both sons were treated equal to begin with .... Give your head a shake and go read a book on Native history you may learn something..

A sad part of Canadian History for sure. But even sadder how decades after it's been milked by those not even involved. Time to move on, as other groups who have been persecuted through history have. (Name a continent?)

09-19-2012, 05:14 PM
Grousedaddy, just because your wife dont get the handout does'nt mean they aint happening. Before you flap your gums, do some digging on the Westbank band. Find out what the chief and the former chiefs drive. Very few people can afford half million dollar cars. Ask them whats going on in Russia and what investments they are doing there. Check out the houses they/him own. DO NOT FLAP YOUR GUMS AT ME AND TELL ME I DON't KNOW WHAT i AM TALKING ABOUT. THIS IS ONE THING I DO KNOW SOMETHING ABOUT!!!!. I will not divulge names, but trust me, I know. As well, do some research on how much the former premier doled out to some bands. Then look at how many natives HAVE to be hired if there is work to be done on native land. ex, road work, mines.

09-19-2012, 05:30 PM
Westbank is one of the few independent bands out there ....... Glassman you quite cleary dont know what your talking about and should go talk with your super secret sources some more . Go read this http://www.wfn.ca/docs/faq.doc And this http://www.wfn.ca/docs/wfn_self_government_agreement.pdf

09-19-2012, 05:36 PM
Grousedaddy, go read a book on ANY nations history and you will also learn something. Should the Scottish or the Irish people have special rights in this country because the Brits treated them like crap? The Romans then the Russians and then the Germans treated the Jewish people like crap, should they get special treatment here in Canada? Nope, but they sucked it up like any other conquered nation.

09-19-2012, 05:45 PM
How come there is no German or Italian or Spanish or, etc.......Self Government Agreement between them and HER? Because, like I said before, Some people are more equal than others. And that is my beef all along with natives. I wish to be treated like them and want them to be treated like me.

09-19-2012, 05:50 PM
You don't think I know what I am talking about? Did you ask them what I told you too? By the way, Some things are confidential and if I told you my super secret sources well,,,they wouldn't be Super Secret, would they?

09-19-2012, 05:51 PM
I'm done with talking to stupid people. Consider this "end of discussion"

09-19-2012, 06:03 PM
My cats breathe smells like cat food.

Cant believe this is still going. Like I said before, these types of convos never end well for anyone.

big game chaser
09-19-2012, 06:15 PM
How come only a Caucasian can be racist? Tired of the BS, every race can have have their pride day including gays but if we had a white day it would be racist? wTF?
lol! so true look at all the indians with native pride hats imagine if you had a hat that said white pride!

09-19-2012, 10:08 PM
whats done is done, yes canada has a sad history, but the people who perppetrated these crimes are dead so the rest shouldnt have to pay...how come indian tribes dont go after each other for the crimes they committed against each other? some tribes kidnapped women and children of their vanquished foes and enslaved them, they took over each others hunting and fishing grounds...its human nature to be warlike and nasty. Lets just get on with life and build our nation as one people, I realize natives have been greatly wronged but this "repayment" cant go on forever.

09-19-2012, 10:25 PM
Can you imagine anyone that wears a "Native Pride" hat, and walks into a red neck bar where you guys drink, and then what? I couldn't wear one, and take the slurs, and fowl linguistics. It would be spoilin for a fight, trying to get it right
But then again I wouldn't want the red neck drunks wanting to keeek me arse.
Jel .. If your going to wear one, you better know what yer doing ... have a plan Stan your going to get some attention

09-22-2012, 12:30 PM
Wow Glassman tell us how you really feel! HaHa. And you don't know what your talking about by the way. Westbank have their own businesses and thats whats generates their revenue. Also, its "not over" as the after effects of residential school, the 60's scoop etc. has affected generations and generations to this day. Its slowly getting better but does not happen overnight. You should read some history and you might get a better understanding of the whole subject.

09-22-2012, 03:18 PM
this thread sucks...so does everyone contributing to it. You guys should argue this crap in the politics section. Your all right and your all stubbornly wrong. Either way take it somewhere else.

The Dude
09-22-2012, 03:57 PM
this thread sucks...so does everyone contributing to it. You guys should argue this crap in the politics section. Your all right and your all stubbornly wrong. Either way take it somewhere else.

Damn.... I might have a new Sigline :D

09-22-2012, 10:32 PM
Wow Glassman tell us how you really feel! HaHa. And you don't know what your talking about by the way. Westbank have their own businesses and thats whats generates their revenue. Also, its "not over" as the after effects of residential school, the 60's scoop etc. has affected generations and generations to this day. Its slowly getting better but does not happen overnight. You should read some history and you might get a better understanding of the whole subject.

So I ask why do those who has never been racist nor have ever taken anything from anyone, why are they being held accountable for someone elses actions?

Yes I understand that whitey took land and your freedoms years ago but some have never have nor will they. Really think about your answers. They were born here, they never came here to take anything from you, they are native to this land so why are they having to pay?

Just for being the same race?