View Full Version : Whereto find topo maps?
08-06-2004, 02:04 PM
I am trying to find a source for some more topo maps. Anyone have any clues as to where I should be looking? Is there anywhere online that I can order some? I am mostly looking for some maps around clinton and north to PG. Any help would be great.
08-06-2004, 02:15 PM
i dont know about there but i know here i get my topo maps from the muesum....or i can get really good maps from the mill wich cover roads and swamps and stuff if u have a source at a lumber mill or something see if they can make u some up...
08-06-2004, 02:52 PM
Government office thats where I usually get mine, or from friends in forestry.
08-06-2004, 03:17 PM
Zigman, You'll be able to get just about anything you need in papermaps from Nixon's maps in Cloverdale. You can try to phone but the old fellow is deaf the phone won't be answered unless some of his part time staff are in.
Otherwise you can try the company in the hunting regs pg10 and buy cd rom maps. I use Touratech-QV Navigator, the program was about $100 but there is over 700 maps of BC below the 54th parallell. Check out you can print whole maps or just a small section of one on 8.5 x 11 paper.
08-06-2004, 04:35 PM
zigman. If you are in Vancouver there is a good selection at International Travel Maps & Books, 530 West Broadway (at Cambie St.) I think I paid about $12-15 for the paper ones. BCKID
08-06-2004, 05:46 PM
With the software maps. Can you print out the entire maps or are you limited to normal paper sizes? It seems like a good deal for around $100 to get nearly all of BC in maps.
ps. Still got that .338?
08-06-2004, 08:32 PM
if u were to print them out in sectoins u could always peice them together too...
08-07-2004, 12:39 AM
My buddy has a HP printer and was able to print the whole thing (1map) in poster mode then taped the pieces together. I'm not that smart(lol) my canon printer is smarter than me and were still not talking. :oops: :oops: as it is I usually decide where I'm going and only print up an 8.5 x 11 piece of the area of interest. you can make notes on the working copy then make permenant additions to the maps in your computer for the next time you print. Just think 1 map at nixon's $17 (last I paid) 750 maps $100. I think by the time shipping and tax etc the bill was about $120
Oh and yes the mag is still an orniment in my friends closet. Down to $750 with the grey bell stock. Thanks
08-07-2004, 04:52 AM
hey dude
This is an incredible map resource online - it's gov't.
select the bcgs map and load the software it downloads. You'll then see the map.
You must select features from the panel or all you'll see is a whole lot of yellow space. As you zoom in, more features become available. For example, it might say roads <200, but as you zoom in you will see roads <50 appear, when the scale of the map allows for it.
You can go to any location by using the right mouse button, selecting 'zoom goto' , pulling down 'bc locality' in the menu, then typing the name and changing the scale to something small like 20 km.
On the side you can turn on 3d dem hillshade, sat photos, contours of many different sorts, lakes, rivers, railways, etc etc etc.
It takes a little playing around to get the hang of the tools, but if you play with it a bit you'll be stunned at what it can do. You can print maps from this too - which is nice cause you can center exactly what you want.
Once you master it, it's an awesome resource. Handi too for looking at those areas people mention but you don't know where they are (that's the zoom goto feature).
play with it, and good luck.
Thanks for the website Foxer, your right on both counts.........its a fantastic resource and its also a learning curve to get what you want, l am still looking for that 3-d feature and contours button ........
08-07-2004, 05:10 PM
down near the bottom - marked DEM hillshade. :)
Add the contours over that and you've got a damn effective way of looking at the lay of the land.
08-07-2004, 09:29 PM
Thanks Fox,
It seems like a great site. I saee it even has bathymetric (sp) charts for lake depths. I will have to play with it for a while in order to figure it all out.
08-07-2004, 10:30 PM
yeah, it's a learning curve, but you can get some pretty cool stuff out of it.
Another one you can get to from that site is the 'wrapper' version - i've just started to play with it, very simiar but the roads seem to be a little more complete for some areas.
08-08-2004, 05:29 AM
Great link Foxer, that's all I need another web site to figure out. Good thing for graveyards lots of quiet time. Me wonders though if I'll have it figured out in time for opening day :lol: :lol:
08-08-2004, 11:01 AM
The cool thing is you can export those maps and use them in software like 'fugowi' with your notebook or handheld pc and a gps - shows you precisely where you are on the map (its easy to sync up) Then you can drop waypoints and do all kinds of crazy stuff. Handy gizmo.
11-29-2004, 12:34 PM
For maps of BC i have found using on Cadastre is the best. it give you a large selection of areas and mainly shows all water drainages, thats what is very important in scouting for me. its not free but you can get on there as a guest ans down load a few map so make sure you know the areas you want to look into
11-29-2004, 08:27 PM
I have found at Crown Pulications carries topo maps that are waterproof. This store mails out all maps and the prices are very good. They have accees to all Goverment agencys regarding maps and air photos. Also in you go to the Ministry of Forest and navigate through there you will find maps of the logging roads.
11-29-2004, 10:08 PM
Hey Guys
I found another gov. site to download from. If you go to you can click on the space that says AIR PHOTOS.
Just keep clicking on the area of the map you want and it will keep zooming in. You can center the map anyway you like. I zoom in to 45,000 to 1 scale, it gives the detail and still is large enough to use. I print out 9 to 12 maps on my printer and tape them together. As soon as I figure out the laminater at work I be in Business. I have found lots of swamps and marshes that were hidden using this site. It also has a Lat and Long feature for anywhere on the map. Good for marking camps and such.
The above address is not a link, I havent figured out how to do that stuff out yet.
11-30-2004, 04:04 AM
what do u mean its not a link??? it works...
11-30-2004, 05:31 AM
Hey 3kills
I dont know how it works, but it does. The site shows water systems,elevation,roads,trails,cabins,fences,cut lines,swamps and marshes too. It even shows something called" eskers". I had to look it up in the dictionary. I have been making maps for friends since I found it about 5 months ago.
If your a rich guy and can afford colour cartridges for your printer, you can print off in colour. I just break out the coloured felt pens. Good luck.
11-30-2004, 05:59 AM
Hey Foxer
I tried your map making site and it sure has a lot of options available. I will have to keep playing around with this site for sure.
These pages look very similar to my map books "Backwoods Road Maps".
Thanks for the site.
11-30-2004, 03:59 PM
I use the softmap topo 50 bc works great!comes in a 4 cd pack costs about $70 bucks.
Why can I not get the map to work?
It did'nt want me to download anything.All I get is a blue screen with 4 buttons on the left and 2 on the right.NO MAP !!!
08-25-2009, 02:35 PM
GRH, this thread is from 2004. Try this place ( It would be nice if they had a sample map so someone could make a decision in buying one.
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