View Full Version : why BCWF

03-18-2012, 08:19 AM
hi are most of you members? are there other groups out there with the same values.

03-18-2012, 09:42 AM
You'll find most gun club members have BCWF memberships either through the club or as individuals. There may be other groups, but non are as big. Like them or not, they're the best thing we have to keep the balance.

4 point
03-18-2012, 10:35 AM
I have been a "direct member " of BCWF for years. No other group to support like them.

03-18-2012, 10:40 AM
I am a member threw my club. Membership is cheap support them.

03-18-2012, 10:43 AM
Read the history if the BCWF:

The Federation's origins can be traced back to the 1890's when some of its current clubs were formed. Some were called Fish and Game clubs.


I have been a member since childhood. There is really nothing in BC to compare. All hunters should take a more active role in supporting the BCWF if you want your Grandkid's Grandkids to be able to hunt in BC.

03-18-2012, 11:15 AM
Maybe better off supporting PETA. Ha. Yea, OK maybe there are issues but I would rather support a pro hunting conservation group that is interested in the rights of hunters than one that isn't. Obviously from the site there are some politics involved but for the most part they are doing the right stuff (big picture).

03-18-2012, 12:14 PM
Maybe better off supporting PETA. Ha. Yea, OK maybe there are issues but I would rather support a pro hunting conservation group that is interested in the rights of hunters than one that isn't. Obviously from the site there are some politics involved but for the most part they are doing the right stuff (big picture).

....... and they certainly police this site!!! LOL!!! :mrgreen:

Mr. Dean
03-18-2012, 12:29 PM
hi are most of you members? are there other groups out there with the same values.

No other that has a voice with our often Dumb Assed, elected, government officials.

The bigger the BCWF gets, the better for us hunters AND for wildlife IMO.
I'll member up with others out there and/or contribute to causes with orgs like Ducks Unlimited, etc, but the BCWF is my 'most important' membership.

03-18-2012, 03:13 PM
I have been a "direct member " of BCWF for years. No other group to support like them.
I would ask you why you are not a member of the Kamloops Fish and Game Club?
What you pay for your direct membership to the BCWF would cover your membership to the Kamloops Fish and Game Club. On top of that, you would have the same BCWF privileges that you have by being direct. And you will be privy to so much more.
Don't waste our time saying that the club is poorly run or other excuses. If you're not a member, then you have no cause to gripe.
Here's the link to that club. http://www.kdfga.ca/ Hope you see the benefit of membership so that it will entice you to join and become an active member. I am sure that you will receive a warm welcome.
I am a member of the BCWF through my club.

fowl language
03-18-2012, 05:49 PM
well i was about to get on the band wagon but i see that job has been capably handles by wise men before me.if we could increase our membership 3 or 4 fold we would run bc. look at michigan they close the schools for opening day of deer season.....fowl

03-18-2012, 06:59 PM
More areas are demanding that hunters/anglers accessing their property have 3rd party liability insurance. (the Creston Wildlife Centre lands comes immediately to mind) BCWF members (including affiliate clubs) automatically get that insurance with their membership.