View Full Version : New Bino's

10-27-2010, 07:42 PM
Well I just broke down and bought new Bino's. I had a pair of OLD Bushnell ones I found at the flea market for cheap. BIG Mistake there on my part I didnt realize how important decent glass was!

So after those old beaters fogged up and I couldnt see nothing! I decided I would goo out and spend my hard earned money one something important that I needed right away! If I didnt buy them the moose that has still eluded me would continue to do so. (At least thats what i told the wifey)

Enough of stories I'll get to the details, I bought Bushnell 10x42. I know they aint nothing compared to some of the glass out there but these ones fit the budget a little nicer than some others.

Just wanted to share!

The Hermit
10-27-2010, 07:53 PM
Did you get Bushnell Elites? If so not bad glass for the budget. Good hunting!

10-27-2010, 08:23 PM
There is nothing wrong with being frugal, money is hard to come by. I believe that you should always buy the best that you can afford, not, buy now what you will afford someday later with interest.

10-27-2010, 09:53 PM
Well said Urbanly

And for Hermit
There the Trophey $200 ones from Wholesale.

It is my first pair. Ive been working long hard hours, and have some extra cash but it didnt seem right to spend more than that right now. Especially with my Christmas trip up to Hudson's Hope to visit the Mom. Didnt seem like a good time. But then again when is a good time? lol

10-27-2010, 10:00 PM
i've had my bushnells for 5 years now (second pair actually-one set replaced under warranty) -same power as yours 10 x 42-they've been great. wish i had some swaros, but like you said-whose got spare thousands?

10-28-2010, 06:29 AM
Whatever works for ya!
I've been using the same pair of compacts for years, (don't even know the make). Got a few extra dollars so I bought myself a nice set of Burris binos.
MUCH clearer, MUCH more powerful, but I can't stand the weight of them around my neck all day and switched back to my old cheapies.
Now I know exactly what I want in the next set and will start saving for them.

Bow Walker
10-28-2010, 10:09 AM
Yup - it's all about what you can realistically afford at the time. Money is very hard to come by so get the best bang for your buck that you can. Good for you. Hope you get that moose that has been eluding you!

The Hermit
11-03-2010, 09:03 AM
Well said Urbanly

And for Hermit
There the Trophey $200 ones from Wholesale.

It is my first pair. Ive been working long hard hours, and have some extra cash but it didnt seem right to spend more than that right now. Especially with my Christmas trip up to Hudson's Hope to visit the Mom. Didnt seem like a good time. But then again when is a good time? lol

Yep I used Bushnell Trophy's until just this year. Nothing like the high end optics for us old farts who's eyes are fubar'ed though!