View Full Version : Successful any bull leh in 7-14

10-19-2009, 11:41 PM
My uncle and i left on the 3rd of October for our two week hunting trip.The trip started out pretty productive after i called in my first bull after learning to cow call this past year, unfortunatley he came in too late and i could barely make out that he even had antlers, so i decided not to shoot.

The next 8 days were all over the place! for some reason the moose were just not moving around even thought the weather had dropped from + 5 at night to -17.Even the grouse were hit and miss,we wouldn't see barely any for days and then bag 8 in one afternoon. I'm sure the moon phases had something to do with it,as it was clear and a full moon when we weren't seeing much and then when the weather would turn to crap things seemed to pick up...temperature didn't seem to have much to do with it at all.

After day 10 and not connecting with any moose my uncle and i began to believe that there was a real possiblity that we would be going home mooseless...after 10 days i had only seen 3 and he hadn't even seen one yet.Then on a whim i asked him if he would like to try an old deactivated road up on the rikki main that some oldtimers had suggested we try, his reply was the same ol same ol "sure why not, what elsse do we have to lose" that advice that we were given by the oldtimers jerry and gord turned out to be the best advice ever given to me by another hunter.My uncle and i began hiking up the deactivated road and after about 15 minutes came to a clearing with a lake on the left side, i decided to head down to the lake and sound like a love sick cow looking for a little jiggy, my uncle decided to walk down the road a while.No more than a minute after i solicited myself for a little romance amongst the poplar trees all hell breaks loose.........Boom Boom, My reaction is what the %$#*.I out from the lake and down the road to where my uncle is and he has a turd eating grin from ear to ear, i ask him what he shot and his reply is the answer i was desperatley wanting to hear......Bull Moose!....& it's a 7 point.After a short celebration the work began and oh what work it was! it was my first feild dressing of a moose and i learned so much from it.Unfortunatley my camera battery died and i didn't get a chance to get any photos of the moose, but i did get a couple of photos of my uncle with his rack after the fact.

I also took some pics of a lynxs that decide to observe us after crossing the road in front of us and of my Portuguese Water Dog, he earned his place in camp on this trip after retrieving every single grouse i shot.I will add that it is amazing what a dog will eat when you turn your back while out in the field; Moose brains,grouse hearts,gizzards, heads, hearts,feathers and feet.Hey but who am i to judge him after he brought all my birds back to me in one piece :)










The Hermit
10-19-2009, 11:57 PM
Congrats! Cool looking dog you got there! Awesome to get a pic of the cat!!

The Dawg
10-19-2009, 11:58 PM
Nice work!

gary murray
10-20-2009, 12:28 AM
That dog sure loves mugging for the camera lol.

10-20-2009, 12:34 AM
congrads great pics

10-20-2009, 06:58 AM
Congrats on a successful hunt.

Thanks for the pics.


10-20-2009, 07:14 AM
good job. thanks for sharing.

10-20-2009, 07:35 AM
Glad your Uncle connected. Great pics and story. The wife and I like your fuzzy dog.:smile:

10-20-2009, 07:39 AM
Good to see a rack on the streets of Vancouver.
We get some nasty/disgusted looks coming home into the valley.
Hell, we get the odd finger.

10-20-2009, 08:24 AM
Good to see a rack on the streets of Vancouver.
We get some nasty/disgusted looks coming home into the valley.
Hell, we get the odd finger.

We put the rack on top of the trailer load in hopes that we would get some reactions. :) We got nothing but thumbs up from people...i could tell how proud my uncle was as this was his first moose in decades!

10-20-2009, 08:31 AM
No more than a minute after i solicited myself for a little romance amongst the poplar trees all hell breaks loose.........

Paulyman....congrats on the moose and as others said, it's good to see it on the streets of Vancouver!!

Now....for my other question; what the heck does "soliciting myself for a little romance in the poplars" mean?!?! :-P

I hope you were wearing warm gloves. :-P :lol:

10-20-2009, 08:44 AM
Love the dog! Where do I get one?

10-20-2009, 09:10 AM
Congrats, it sounds like my hunting party were in the same area at the same time as yours and we probably bumped into you on the Rikki road. Yes the movement of the moose were slower then last year in most of 7a, the big winds did not help matters much nor the big slash burn on the Rikki road. We saw one 5 point bull on the Rikki road, no cows or calves. We had 2 cow leh wich we filled lower down the road at 217 marker and on the start of the 400 road, alot of hunters even with leh went home empty.

10-20-2009, 11:22 AM
Its always nice to come home with meat, Congrats and good on those that dont mind sharing info.

10-20-2009, 05:35 PM
Paulyman....congrats on the moose and as others said, it's good to see it on the streets of Vancouver!!

Now....for my other question; what the heck does "soliciting myself for a little romance in the poplars" mean?!?! :-P

I hope you were wearing warm gloves. :-P :lol:

Ha ha!

It means trying to get a nice big bull to come visit me :)

10-20-2009, 05:37 PM
Love the dog! Where do I get one?

The breeder is out in mission, her name is Val.Search Tanaki- Portuguese Water Dogs on the net and i'm sure yo'll find her homepage.


10-20-2009, 05:44 PM
We put the rack on top of the trailer load in hopes that we would get some reactions. :) We got nothing but thumbs up from people...i could tell how proud my uncle was as this was his first moose in decades!

Congrats on the moose.

I was with a young guy once who wanted his moose rack on top. His moose meat got stolen out of the back of the truck in 100 mile house. Sometimes you don't get the reactions you want.

10-20-2009, 05:58 PM
Great story, great pictures. Congratulations to your uncle for a great moose.

I like your dog and it goes to show that you do not need a special breed to have good hunting dog.

10-20-2009, 06:03 PM
nice moose we were there till the 3rd of oct but hoping for immy's only saw some nice bulls and lots of cows

10-20-2009, 06:12 PM
Congrats on the moose.

I was with a young guy once who wanted his moose rack on top. His moose meat got stolen out of the back of the truck in 100 mile house. Sometimes you don't get the reactions you want.

We had a sniper fixed on the truck at all times, we were well prepared :)

10-20-2009, 07:20 PM
Congrats on the moose.

I was with a young guy once who wanted his moose rack on top. His moose meat got stolen out of the back of the truck in 100 mile house. Sometimes you don't get the reactions you want.
That $hit happens in 100 Mile all the time.

10-20-2009, 08:08 PM
That $hit happens in 100 Mile all the time.

Not a good scene.

10-20-2009, 08:34 PM
Glad to hear you had some success up here Paul!