View Full Version : Indian River Cow Elk

06-24-2024, 11:42 AM
Pretty stoked on this one. I live up the Arm, North of Deep Cove, and I have a boat, so easy access to to hunting area for me vs driving around from Squamish. I know the road will be closed all summer for construction so hoping it doesn't spook all the elk away for the year.

I've gone up there a bunch and practiced sneaking into herds of cow elk grazing, just to see how close I can get, but just curious if anyone has anymore tips on where they frequent up Indian River FSR. I've bumped into them a few times in the sand under the power lines about 5km in from the water.

06-24-2024, 01:52 PM
Sounds like you got it figured out! Sneaking into herds of cow elk is no easy thing ask, been there, done that!! Set up your 100 yrd gun, and sneak away, find a fat one, and pow!! Sounds like elk is n your freezer. Congrats!!! Moosin

06-25-2024, 06:07 AM
My buddy drew Indian bull and lives on the Squampton end of the FSR. He is also left wondering what the pipeline construction will do to the herd. When is your draw, and when is construction supposed to end?

06-25-2024, 09:23 PM
Tag is from Oct 10- Nov 20. Road reopens Sep 24 apparently. I've spent a lot of time in there. Have your buddy reach out, I can tell himwhere to start putting game cameras for scouting.