View Full Version : Any Terrace guys around?

02-24-2024, 12:12 PM
Hello All,

A new guy here. Anyone from Terrace I can run a question by? Actually I just wanted to know if the road that takes you from Terrace, up Rosswood way, then to New Alyansh- Nass Camp and over to Cranberry Junction is possible in the spring months? In short, can you get through there? Or do you have to go back Kitwanga way and up?

02-24-2024, 12:40 PM
Provided the road is snow free, the answer is yes! It should be open earlier than normal too given how low valley bottom snowpacks are.

02-24-2024, 12:51 PM
Provided the road is snow free, the answer is yes! It should be open earlier than normal too given how low valley bottom snowpacks are.

I appreciate the info!

02-25-2024, 02:35 AM
I lived in the Nass for a few years, it’s open once the snow melts, doesn’t get plowed though so hard to get through in the winter. Latest I’ve made it through is early November. Typically the road melts off a couple weeks later than the ones closer to Terrace do.

02-25-2024, 12:02 PM
Thanks for the info. Still a ways until spring, any predictions? Early or late spring? i