View Full Version : Grizzly suvey

10-05-2023, 07:28 AM
It's a misleading headline but it will get attention: https://bc.ctvnews.ca/vast-majority-of-b-c-residents-still-oppose-hunting-grizzlies-for-sport-survey-finds-1.6589097

Stone Sheep Steve
10-05-2023, 07:53 AM
The MSM has about as much neutrality as Pacific Wild.


Harvest the Land
10-05-2023, 08:14 AM
Throw the ignorant ideological Utopians (who've never even seen a grizz in the wild, never lived in a rural area surrounded by them and never had to worry about protecting livestock) a bone and keep the ban in place for the lower wasteland and near whichever woke first immigrant bands on the south coast who oppose the hunt. And re-open a regulated season for the rest of the province who choose to live in reality

10-05-2023, 08:44 AM
We now have a Grizzly that has made our little community his home turf, everynight he patrols the streets looking for fruit, garbage, or whatever he can find. Until 4 years ago it was only Black Bears. This week 3 Grizzlies were filmed walking the streets of Nelson, daytime.

10-05-2023, 08:53 AM
It will take a few people getting mauled to incite any possibility of a change.

10-05-2023, 09:15 AM
We need someone who corrects these fkcs every time they call it a trophy hunting ban. make us take the meat I guarantee nobody will have a problem with that if we get the hunt back. IF we ever get it back remind them how the dumb ass NDP idiots made the last tag holders who harvested a bear LEAVE the hide in the bush to rot....wtf how is that scientific

10-05-2023, 09:18 AM
It was always going to be slanted to the "Granola Crunches". Until we get rid of this Woke NDP government nothing will change.

10-05-2023, 10:39 AM
Haven’t seen it posted on here. In AB this week a couple and their dog killed by a grizzly bear banff