View Full Version : Were to bow hunt for elk were there are no grizzlies

08-24-2020, 10:29 PM
I'm waiting for my firearm license so can't have a gun with me so I will be bow hunting in September so what to avoid grizzlies.
I'm looking around Creston would that be a good area to avoid grizzlies ?

The Hermit
08-24-2020, 10:35 PM
Grizzlies are hiding behind every tree! ;-) Take along a 12 gauge defender with slugs and buck shot... that is what my group carries, seriously. Wait, duh you said no PAL... sorry. Take along a BIG frickin knife.

08-25-2020, 04:09 AM
Take someone with you who can not run as fast as you.lol Steve!

08-25-2020, 05:39 AM
Best to take pepper spray with you if you have no ability to carry a shotgun.

At least this way in the event of attack, you can season your self well so that the bear likes what he's eating and devours you quickly instead of slowly shredding the flesh from your bones.

08-25-2020, 05:51 AM
I think the bear spray, knife on the belt and hunting partners that you can outrun is your best defense.

Grizzlies are over rated until they are 10' from you - then it's too late to worry.

Seriously, extra hands will make the situation faster and safer. Get the meat deboned and packed up and moving soon as possible. Please don't get caught out there in the dark field dressing and packing out.

If you can't pack it out in one trip - hang the remaining quarters high and come back in the morning.

Sorry but even the thought of this is too much for me now. Unless I can drive within a hundred yards of the animal - I no longer have the physical conditioning to bring it out so I no longer look for that.

08-25-2020, 08:01 AM
If it was me i would carry 2 bear mace and good knife. Look around for escape routes at kill site - Then BIG fire, gutless method, pack in game bags, change clothes and leave clothes on site. leave and wash up if possible. call a friend to come back with a gun and pack everything out. I would also consider bringing my dog and leaving him at basecamp and bringing him up too on retreival.

It would be unlikely to have a grizzly show up immediately, if it did you have 2 cans bear mace and can back off quick.

Like Rieber said, i wouldnt get caught at night (anymore) done that and its the scariest thing in the world to me smelling like a wounded elk crashing around the bush at night and all you can see is the willows 2 feet in front of you. There isnt a place i hunt where i dont see grizzly tracks everyday or a grizzly. Its rediculous how many grizzlies there are now.

08-25-2020, 08:20 AM
Not sure there is anywhere in BC that is grizzly free anymore

08-25-2020, 08:32 AM
For what its worth, I have had far more issues with black bears while elk hunting then griz. This includes unintentionally calling in 9 black bears while solo calling and having had 2 black bears harrass me while dressing elk. So if you are comfortable with blackies, I say just go hunt and use the same precautions. Dont let Mr. Griz keep you from hunting an area.

That said if you want to avoid Mr. Griz', I think your best bet would be trying to get access to some private agricultural land that the elk are using where you can ambush or spot/stalk animal going into and out of the open fields. But good luck with less than a week to the bow opener.

Besides that, Id say focus on archery huntable fringe areas adjacent to urban build up. But even then, your in the EK's. Its all G Bear country.