View Full Version : Moose hunting questions.

06-23-2020, 11:18 AM
Hey all,
Adult onset Hunter here, never really hunted moose before so any tips or recommendations are greatly appreciated. I drew a November Bull tag in an area I’ve been planning to hunt big horns. I know the area decently well from a few recent spring bear/scouting trips. From what I understand the rut will be over, but calling can sometimes still work in November.
Not sure if I’ll try calling or still hunting some likely secluded riparian areas looking for a Bull resting after the rut? Also not sure what I’m looking for as far as feed and terrain I should look for.
Like I said, any insight is appreciated, thanks and good luck to all of you this fall.

06-23-2020, 11:20 AM

06-23-2020, 11:29 AM
They won't generally respond to calls, but never say never.

I have found that they are typically grouped up in November(in region 5) and won't be travelling very far unless disturbed. I'd advise covering a lot of ground looking for fresh sign.

walks with deer
06-23-2020, 11:45 AM
any time hunting any game cover ground tell you find fresh sign then hunt the sign.

06-23-2020, 11:52 AM
Last time I shot a moose it was beginning of November. Glassed a moose at 600 yards, started calling and he came in like I was reeling him in on a string. This was a young bull so maybe there’s a difference in behaviour based on age...

06-23-2020, 12:18 PM
Have you seen moose in this area before?

06-23-2020, 12:22 PM
If you have areas with lots of willow browse etc it may be a good place to start as they are trying to build up their reserves after the rut.

06-23-2020, 12:36 PM
Have you seen moose in this area before?
I did see a fair amount of sign in the one area I’ve hiked. I also know of people in the past who hunted the management unit in general and have had success, not sure it was the same LEH zone but near by at least.

06-23-2020, 01:32 PM
Hmm send a PM with pH number?

06-23-2020, 01:35 PM
Hmm send a PM with pH number?
will do, thanks Steve.

06-23-2020, 01:52 PM
They will come to call then, but not like in the rut proper. That said, if you want to try to call use a cow call. Not bull. with a cow call on the shoulder season you will be calling smaller bulls. The big daddy has already done his thing. If you sound like a big bad ass the 30"er will stay away. Get into your spot in the dark, wait till sunrise and call every 10 minutes... until you are too cold to move or 10am..... then call from 4pm till dark.....
When your calling an echo is really handy.... high ground calling to low ground as well......

As far as where to find them.... they can be anywhere.. high up, low down, timber, swamps or cutblocks...... Find tracks.. go from there.... and remember, they are funkin huge so don't be walking a long long way off a road...

06-23-2020, 09:02 PM
I think you will get all the info you need from srupp.

06-23-2020, 09:19 PM
They will come to call then, but not like in the rut proper. That said, if you want to try to call use a cow call. Not bull. with a cow call on the shoulder season you will be calling smaller bulls. The big daddy has already done his thing. If you sound like a big bad ass the 30"er will stay away. Get into your spot in the dark, wait till sunrise and call every 10 minutes... until you are too cold to move or 10am..... then call from 4pm till dark.....
When your calling an echo is really handy.... high ground calling to low ground as well......

As far as where to find them.... they can be anywhere.. high up, low down, timber, swamps or cutblocks...... Find tracks.. go from there.... and remember, they are funkin huge so don't be walking a long long way off a road...
I'm sure in most cases but there are exceptions: I watched a huge bull rut with a cow who was just bawling like her life depended on it a couple years ago....Nov 2nd....I would agree they could be anywhere, so hunt the sign..that being said, they really like red willow for their diet come November....

06-23-2020, 09:46 PM

That one is a dandy.

06-23-2020, 10:12 PM
They will come to call then, but not like in the rut proper. That said, if you want to try to call use a cow call. Not bull. with a cow call on the shoulder season you will be calling smaller bulls. The big daddy has already done his thing. If you sound like a big bad ass the 30"er will stay away. Get into your spot in the dark, wait till sunrise and call every 10 minutes... until you are too cold to move or 10am..... then call from 4pm till dark.....
When your calling an echo is really handy.... high ground calling to low ground as well......

As far as where to find them.... they can be anywhere.. high up, low down, timber, swamps or cutblocks...... Find tracks.. go from there.... and remember, they are funkin huge so don't be walking a long long way off a road...

Some proper good intel in your thread. .well done..experience..

06-24-2020, 07:22 AM
I think you will get all the info you need from srupp.
Id have to agree with you on that, talked on the phone with Steven yesterday. I gotta say, I’m blown away with how helpful he is, also how much knowledge came out of him was amazing. Having said that, all the other people have also been helpful with their replies. Please keep them coming, I’m sure I’m not the only one learning from this thread. Thanks all.

06-24-2020, 09:38 AM
I agree Cabled. I've been hunting for a while but I'm newish to targeting moose. So all of these great pointers from the seasoned guys here are extremely helpful!