View Full Version : I Was Surrounded By Wolves..

12-06-2019, 03:42 AM
Here is what happened to me I went down to a cutblock for an evening hunt around 6pm at night after being there for about 15 min I heard a wolf pack howling
I said to myself should I get out load my 7mm up and try calling in this wolf pack ,,no I don't want to do this will ruin my evening hunt.

I thought about all and then said the heck with it I will get out and try calling in this pack after 15 min of trying to call the pack in they went silent I stopped calling
and waited outside my truck for around 20 min no wolfs howling during this time.

So I unloaded my 7mm and got back into my truck I was then glassing the side hills for any movement the outside of where I had heard the wolfs calling.
Was about 10 min after I had got back into my truck I caught a movement to my right wow there was one wolf no not one but 8 of them game eater.

What do I do ?? 7mm unloaded sitting beside me in my front seat wolves out about 30 feet Don't move wayne think on what you should do next I picked my movie
camera up off the seat beside me and started to film this pack.https://youtu.be/_ULyFb1aOYo

I thought about what I should do wolves being this close to me I said wait till they go over this bank about 30 feet from me and are out of sight then get out and load
your 7mm.
I got out of my truck and started to yell at this pack to scare this pack away so they would not ruin my evening hunt,,will leave it up to you HBC members on what happened next.. LOL :smile:..

Here is the video shot from my wolf call in 2016....https://youtu.be/m6bYntFKut8 ,,,,, This picture of this dead spike bull elk met his faith from a cat kill right along side of the fsr ..

12-06-2019, 04:18 AM
That’s wild! Great experience! I’d guess, your up this late skinning wolves!!

I had a encounter with a pack of 14 back when I was young, i rarely tell the story because people would think I was full of it, the one and only time in my life I was scared stiff, literally frozen.

12-06-2019, 05:48 AM
That’s wild! Great experience! I’d guess, your up this late skinning wolves!!

I had a encounter with a pack of 14 back when I was young, i rarely tell the story because people would think I was full of it, the one and only time in my life I was scared stiff, literally frozen.

No skinning for me

12-06-2019, 03:37 PM
nice,all grays as well.We have quite a few black wolves around where I hunt.I have shot about 5 blacks over the years.I give most of them away

04-26-2020, 05:34 PM
Oh , so many chances for double header :)

04-28-2020, 04:09 PM
why didnt we hear that 7mm barking to life that is a lot of elk killers out there!!! you could have saved a lot of game killing a few of those demons! :)

04-28-2020, 11:01 PM
My friend and I were surrounded in Pink in a small clearing, was wild we drank a 6 pack and listened to the show, amazing animals but never showed their face!

04-29-2020, 09:22 PM
When first learning how to moose call, I cow called from a cut next to the forest early one morning and lots of wolves started howling back. They were easily within 100 yards in the bush. A little while later, I walked further into the cut and saw one starting at me, then he and another walked off. They were on the opposite side of where they were howling. They had surrounded me. It was an eerie feeling knowing they were all around.

04-30-2020, 03:58 AM
why didnt we hear that 7mm barking to life that is a lot of elk killers out there!!! you could have saved a lot of game killing a few of those demons! :)

Not going to go there on what unfolded after this clip was taken to much social media in this world we live in..