View Full Version : Region 8 problems...what and where do i go.

09-17-2007, 12:13 PM

So this year beacuase of prior commitments i can only fit a one "go away and spend a few days hunting trip". It usually is at the gong show in Region 8. I have had a few friends who went up there and said because of the youth season the deer and grouse population has thinned out. Myonly problem is i really only been to Region 8 or up to Pemberton.

Now i am planning on going on wednesday for a week but was wondering if anyone could help. Since this is a do or die trip (well not die but if i dont nail a buck I wont be eating dear this year). I dont want your secret spots or anything like that but was wondering if anyone knows of a decent spot which is open for any size buck right now and what region i should hit. Again i dont want your secret fields but perhaps a quick set of directions on how to get my but up there and give me a chance at a meat buck.

if you would rather PM it i dont mind at all:lol:

Thanks so much.

09-17-2007, 03:04 PM
I find it hard to believe that a youth hunt could cause that many problems. There are alot of deer in Region 8.

My best advise (like you will hear from most of the people on this site):


Great quote: para-phrased

"I came to a fork in the road and I chose the route less travelled"

09-17-2007, 03:09 PM
The deer population is doing just fine. I think the close to 30 degree temps we had for the first 10 days of hunting was more a factor then kids out shooting deer and grouse.

Head to 8-12 tons of whitetails and mule deer and half the people of the princeton area. If you were going in November, the area would be crawling with twice as many people.

Good luck.

Stone Sheep Steve
09-17-2007, 03:42 PM
"I came to a fork in the road and I chose the route less travelled"

....................................... I stumbled and broke my femur:icon_frow.....................:biggrin:.


09-17-2007, 03:56 PM
I just came back from 9 days in 8-5 - grouse everywhere! Deer not so much but still out there - seen 2 4+ pointers but never had good shots,a few spikes, two points and lots of does , just have to look. Also seen a few moose and a pair of bears.

09-17-2007, 04:08 PM
That was my trip line:tongue:...stay off my trail:mad:

....................................... I stumbled and broke my femur:icon_frow.....................:biggrin:.


09-17-2007, 04:56 PM
well i am hopeing the colder weather mixes the bucks around. Judging by the amount of youths that were sucesful i was told that it brought the population down. I guess we might not ever know... I personally like the fact that little juniors can bag a buck...but i might just have to get a new area...

better get out the old back road map... cheers

09-17-2007, 05:00 PM
Not that many bucks were shot around this area. Maybe 10-15 at the most. Theres LOTS of deer around here man, I dont know what your soo worried about.

09-17-2007, 05:28 PM
my lil bro shot a 4 spike around chain lake this weekend

09-17-2007, 05:32 PM
well i am hopeing the colder weather mixes the bucks around. Judging by the amount of youths that were sucesful i was told that it brought the population down. I guess we might not ever know... I personally like the fact that little juniors can bag a buck...but i might just have to get a new area...

better get out the old back road map... cheers

It is a human trait to look for excuses. I can hear it over the campfires, "If it weren't for the damn kids and there unfair season shootin all the game when they are most vulnerable, I would have got my buck". "Jeez kids these day's, we never had a special season, we had to do it the hard way."
If you can't find a buck in BC this year you will have only one person to blame.........look in the mirror.

09-17-2007, 05:47 PM
Some time you need more than 1 trip to nail a buck.

09-17-2007, 05:49 PM
Judging by the amount of youths that were sucesful i was told that it brought the population down. I guess we might not ever know...
... cheers

Not trying to be a prick, but thats one of the dumbest sentence's I've read on this site, LOL to funny....

09-17-2007, 06:00 PM
Not trying to be a prick, but thats one of the dumbest sentence's I've read on this site, LOL to funny....

Well thanks for atleast not trying to be a prick....trying is half the battle.

Anyways...its true... we have no way to tell if the youth season affected the region. I support the youth season as we need to keep this sport going on. I would recommend changing the region around every year.

09-17-2007, 06:04 PM
Jet, get off of the roads , I don't think to many young guys go to far in the woods when they are first starting out. Opening day is fun and i always get my deer when i go there. I stay in the woods Region 8 is a big region . And i do not believe the youth have cleaned it out.

09-17-2007, 06:06 PM
good point Ruger#1

09-17-2007, 06:52 PM
I live in 8-24.There are deer ALL over the place ,but the warm days are keeping them in the timber,and the road hunters aren't seeing much.A lot of the bucks are still on top of the higher hills.Just go to the areas you already know,hunt the timber and the edges,and stay away from the roads,you should do just fine! We're not seeing many bucks out in the blocks(never do!),so don't look where they ain't go where they are! Gunner

09-17-2007, 07:00 PM
well i am hopeing so... I am not plainng on road hunting.. I am looking forward to nurse this buck fever...

09-17-2007, 07:21 PM
I always get out of the truck and just go to the top of the hill...it seems to work so far.

09-17-2007, 10:17 PM
"Not trying to be a prick, but thats one of the dumbest sentence's I've read on this site, LOL to funny...."

Actually I find comments like that funny to sad. Amazing that someone would actually think that out loud. Make's ya wonder. Just how many deer live in the Okanagan? And how many youth were successful in the Okanagan. Do you think maybe we've solved our crisis in recruitement? Seems all those lost 100,000 hunters are living in Region 8. LOL!

09-17-2007, 10:45 PM
How many deer were shot during the youth season? I bet it isnt a lot judging by the number of hunters under 19. I wouldnt be surprised if the number of deer shot during the youth season was under 100.

09-17-2007, 10:52 PM
How many deer were shot during the youth season? I bet it isnt a lot judging by the number of hunters under 19. I wouldnt be surprised if the number of deer shot during the youth season was under 100.

I don't know matt, that trip we made with your bro showed how low the numbers were last year... we only saw what 80 deer without getting outta my car?

The youth have little to no effect on the overal population. Warm weather kept them hidden.


09-17-2007, 10:54 PM
And that was before we opened the first beer....:shock:

09-17-2007, 10:58 PM
If you were going in November, the area would be crawling with twice as many people.

Good luck.
You really think so? I tend to find WAY less ppl out in region three in nov...

seems to me that following thanksgiving weekend massacre in the woods hunter numbers increasingly fall...

09-17-2007, 11:04 PM
And that was before we opened the first beer....:shock:

Ya it all went down hill after 8:00am...:eek:

09-18-2007, 02:07 AM
I'll try to put it in perspective for you a little bit.

In region 8 we have as many if not more deer right now compared to the "good old days" of the early 90s. Days per kill are down despite a 4 pt or better, shorter season and fewer hunters out there. Hunters who before had never seen 4 pts are now finding them and shooting them.

If I had to take an "educated" guess I'd say that there's probably more deer shot October long weekend in 8-14 than youth harvest during the youth season across the entire Province. In region 8 you're probably competing with maybe 400 youth (age 10-18) if you're lucky - of which I'd be surprised if over 150 actually got out during youth season, nevermind the deer they harvested. Now compare that to the 8,000+ hunters who will hunt region 8 for deer this fall or the 8,000 who live in region 8, plus the folks who come and hunt from regions 1 and 2. Or we could compare it to 15,000 hunters we used to have who lived in region 8 in 1982 when it was any buck from september to december and you were allowed two deer, didn't matter if it was a white-tail or a muley.

Opening week was tough because of weather. The spot we hunted doesn't get hunted by anyone other than one other fella who's willing to make the climb. None of us saw the deer we're used to because it was 20C in the shade (if you could find it) well above treeline, the veg was burnt and there wasn't a drop of water to be found anywhere. Same goes for other areas where we've hunted and seen 30 bucks/day where the guys are seeing a couple deer. In the past 6 years we only seen two other hunters in these areas nevermind a 12 year old who's gonna hike for 3 1/2 hours and cover 4000 vertical feet to shoot any buck and wipe-out the population.

Don't believe everything you hear - the youth aren't even making a dent in the population. There's plenty to go around, put in your time and get off the beaten path. September can be a really tough time of year to be hunting region 8. Maybe try October or November when things have cooled down, the bush is a little quieter and the bucks are out looking for girls.

Good luck!

Stone Sheep Steve
09-18-2007, 04:53 AM
Well, it's 4 Deg C this morning and only supposed to get to 14C today with a 60% chance of rain. Things should start to move around during daylight hours a lot more.


09-18-2007, 05:02 AM
Lots of leaves on the trees yet in reg.8 If you can, wait 'till October to head out. Several areas in Reg.8 allow any size buck to be taken untill Oct.20, great chance of seeing something. Good luck!!

09-18-2007, 06:29 AM
hot dry weather and most animals don't move much they get overheated easily

09-18-2007, 08:32 AM

With that icon/picture, it seems to me that you are always yelling at me...disturbing:?

09-18-2007, 08:58 AM
it is important to remember that wildlife is owned by the crown and in such is a public resource. It is a privilege to get to hunt not a right. The youth are privileged to have a special season. We are all lucky buggers to live in is such a great place with so much bounty and privileges. Pretty sad that some cant recognize that. Need to go travel a little and see how other parts of the world are.

I would rather see youths getting adicted to hunting, the outdoors, spending time with dad than crystal meth, street racing, and BNE's. Whatever we can do to encourage this the better for all.

I am prepared to take the chance that a youth may have taken a deer i would have but if it means he will develop a healthy appreciation and respect for the outdoors, and life then that is a victory in my mind.

09-18-2007, 09:22 AM
You really think so? I tend to find WAY less ppl out in region three in nov...

seems to me that following thanksgiving weekend massacre in the woods hunter numbers increasingly fall...

I was refering to 8-12, november brings in half the lower mainland for whitetails. You are correct, I also see lets people in Region 3 in November.


09-18-2007, 05:28 PM
dawn2dusk. Well stated. I agree. We need to keep our youth on a healthy track. Responsibility,bush smarts, shootin & safety, good food and excercise. All these are part of a good hunt.

09-18-2007, 06:48 PM
Where do people get these ideas ?

09-18-2007, 07:30 PM
Heck I'm gonna say it even if someone might get offended. "Stupid people shouldn't breed." LOL! That is where these dumbass comments from off the wall come from. Open mouth, insert foot. The youth shot all the deer alright. Just look at the success the dana boys have had. Russ gone and shot the only big buck in Region 3. LMAO!

09-18-2007, 08:03 PM
Russ gone and shot the only big buck in Region 3. LMAO!
Dammit.........now what am I gonna do with ALL my Holidays ? :???: