I bought two whole legs for $44.88 they weighed 20.59kg or 45.39 pounds. For the curious I cut off the shanks (my mom likes those) then skin the leg. From both legs I got 30.5 pound of meat. From this I made a 20 pound batch of sausage (Just garlic, salt and pepper) and this made 21, one pound packs that we use to make burgers, meatloaf, chilli, pasta sauces (all mixed with game) or just fried up an eaten by itself. 7.5 pounds was left as straight ground pork as thats what my mom requested. Then 3 pounds of cubed meat for my mom also. The skin and bones got chucked. My mom and mother in-law usually kept the bones for soup but I got half a hog in the fall so we have bones from that. Usually I would buy more legs as we would cut roasts and chunks for pulled pork but that was covered by the half hog.

When you crunch the numbers it works out to $1.47 a pound for straight meat.

The wife and I commented that it used to be $.99/pound, 15 years ago when I started making sausage with her parents. Surprised with how much things have gone up the last few years that you can still get it for this price. About 8 years ago it went up to $1.29/pound for a couple years. Also one year the local store I think got to many legs and a week after the $.99 sale they had them for $.79/pound. Even though we did not need it the father-in-law and I bought a few more