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Thread: Cowichan Bay hunters - time to write the Cowichan Valley Citizen

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Cowichan Bay hunters - time to write the Cowichan Valley Citizen

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanya View Post
    Here is my letter to the editor of the Cowichan Valley Citizen. If you like hunting there, get on it.

    Dear Editor;

    This letter is in response to the piece that appeared in your opinion column submitted by Julia Star and published in your January 16 Cowichan Valley Citizen. I am actually very surprised that any editor would publish such an outlandish piece full of misconceptions and untruths.

    Ms. Star obviously does not believe in hunting and that is her prerogative. It is interesting that she chose wait to submit this piece until just prior to the end of the duck season ( January 18th). Cowichan Bay has been open to waterfowl hunting since Thanksgiving weekend, the usual opening for many, many years.
    I would like to address some of her statements. 1) Yes, prime shooting time, and legal time is one half hour prior to closes one half hour after sunset. Many hunters work all week and the weekend is their time to hunt.

    2) There are more swans in this valley and on Vancouver Island than there has been ever, just ask any farmer that has them devastating their grass fields. Drive by next week, or check out some of the scenic back roads of the Valley for swans. Also, they can be seen year round at Somenos marsh.

    3) Migrating ducks do what migrating ducks do, and that is usually head out on a high pressure system just before big storm and head south. A large amount of mallards did this back in November. At the estuary you can still see mallards, widgeon, pintails, teal, bluebills, buffleheads, scoters, mergansers and more.

    4) Birders still do come and see the above birds. Hunters also contribute monies to the local economy, especially those of us who live here. In addition through the purchase of licenses and the Canadian Migratory Bird permit contribute monies to waterfowl enhancement. Then of course there are all those that belong to groups such as Delta Waterfowl and Ducks Unlimited, both groups contribute millions to wetlands enhancement projects.

    5) "Teach children that to be a man or macho woman is to destroy the lives of others for the pointless activity of killing wild animals. This is perhaps your greatest success! Most serial killers begin by killing and torturing animals. So let's breed more serial killers! More terror! More fun!" This statement alone discredits anything the woman had to say that came anything close to reality. As a woman I like to hunt, I cook what I kill and feed my family. Nothing macho about it. I know many women who hunt that are as feminine as they come. I suppose Ms. Star does not eat. Anyone who eats contributes to the death of animals, yes even vegetarians. As for serial killer, that is possibly the most outlandish statement Ms. Star made. Hunters come from all walks of life, doctors, lawyers, businessmen, farmers, writers etc. It is not the kids that hunt and fish that become these raving lunatics. Kids that live in the unreal world of video games and have no contact with the realities of life and death are far more likely to commit these types of crimes.

    6) Endangering lives of people walking. First rule of hunting is "know your target and what is beyond". I am not saying everyone is perfect, but I do know that Cowichan Bay is closely watched by both the RCMP and Conservation Officers and that if there were offences committed I am sure your fine paper would jump to report them.

    7) Leaving garbage. Yes, it happens. Unfortunately like any other group of people the hunting community has it's polluters. I know that we always clean up, and also pick up after others, including items that have nothing to do with hunters or hunting.

    Cowichan Bay is one of the very few public waterfowl hunting areas on Vancouver Island. Hopefully, the hunters of Vancouver Island that enjoy the bounty Cowichan Bay offers will get equal press.
    Ver good letter Tanya. I would write a letter but have no idea where the property in question is & would hate to be called on it & give us as hunters less credibility. I will write a piece on my kids being labelled "serial killers" ! How long have hunters been using this property to hunt & how long have the houses & people complaining been there.

  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Cowichan Valley

    Re: Cowichan Bay hunters - time to write the Cowichan Valley Citizen

    Thank you. The place is public land and waterfowling has been going on there since forever. Houses have been there for decades as well.

  3. #13
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    Dec 2008

    Re: Cowichan Bay hunters - time to write the Cowichan Valley Citizen

    Quote Originally Posted by Tanya View Post
    Thank you. The place is public land and waterfowling has been going on there since forever. Houses have been there for decades as well.
    Are the complaints a recent phenomena or has there always been a divide.

  4. #14
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    Re: Cowichan Bay hunters - time to write the Cowichan Valley Citizen

    As the lady said, she writes once a year. I have never been bothered myself.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Cowichan Bay hunters - time to write the Cowichan Valley Citizen

    The swans she is referring to, are they not Trumpeter swans or are they in fact Tundra or Whistling swans. I dont think these swans originate from Whistler !

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Cowichan Bay hunters - time to write the Cowichan Valley Citizen

    Here is my updated draught letter please feel free to correct any errors or set me straight.

    Hunting of wildlife has been conducted in the Cowichan Bay for many years, long before Mrs Star was born. Mrs star states that it is a " questionable practice of killing wild animals for no good reason." I beg to differ, the ducks & geese that are harvested provide family's with a healthy alternative & good table fare! Hunting keeps the ever increasing bird populations in check. Increasing the yield on farmers fields providing "all" of us with more local produce.
    I have never seen a "whistling"/ Tundra swan in Cowichen bay. Trumpeter swans numbers are increasing throughout Canada and are protected. They are common and can be viewed by "children" in many fields & estuaries on Vancouver Island. She also claims hunters have,"Scared away and killed most other species of migrating ducks and waterfowl." Not true, the population has been steadily growing & populations are healthy! Ask the farmers who deal with crop damage, they will tell you the last couple years have been especially bad, "because of the high numbers of waterfowl". Maybe Mrs Star should open her eyes or get a good pair of binoculars. Sounds like 30 years of viewing has taken its toll on her eyes.
    Mrs Star also states a drop in tourism due to hunting. I would like to see where she get her stats from & feel she has made a lot of this up to make herself look more credible. Waterfowl hunting takes place in the winter months which are traditionally poor for tourism in the area.

    I am the president of two Island grown corporations and a contributing member to society. I have two young children 4 and 8 who have through hunting & its connection to nature been taught respect and to only harvest what we need for the table. I am not a macho man by any means, but a down to earth gentleman, who enjoys the outdoors. To say that my children will turn into serial killers is laughable & unfounded. I quote "Most serial killers begin by killing and torturing animals. So let's breed more serial killers! More terror! More fun!"My ancestors passed down my hunting heritage to me and I'm doing the same with my children just like many Native people in the Cowichen Valley. They hunt & teach their children these very skills, that were taught to them by their forefathers. Is Mrs Starr also accusing native hunters of being & breeding serial killers? I find it very irresponsible for your news paper to even have published this letter, without doing any research of your own. I very much hope you publish my letter in response.

    Kind regards
    Concerned Citizen

    Last edited by Dano; 01-17-2013 at 05:35 PM. Reason: fix some spelling & grammar

  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Cedar B.C.

    Re: Cowichan Bay hunters - time to write the Cowichan Valley Citizen

    Great letter Tanya keep us informed as to the outcome hope they give you equal time BTW whats with you and John "stealing" on of my shooting partners and spoiling the heck out of him, supose now I'll have to start cooking breakfast.
    Foxton's Cuervo Gold "KEELA" Oct. 2004-June 2017. Always in my blind and my heart.

  8. #18
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    Re: Cowichan Bay hunters - time to write the Cowichan Valley Citizen

    Spy; Good letter, good angles. Fix a couple of little things: Star is with one R, you used 2 in the final sentence. Also, not sure if it is Mrs. Star. Look into whistler swan, it seems to be another name for tundra swans. Not sure about the "you'll be hearing from me". Perhaps something a little less threatening sounding?? Your option of course.

  9. #19
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    Re: Cowichan Bay hunters - time to write the Cowichan Valley Citizen

    Quote Originally Posted by Foxton Gundogs View Post
    Great letter Tanya keep us informed as to the outcome hope they give you equal time BTW whats with you and John "stealing" on of my shooting partners and spoiling the heck out of him, supose now I'll have to start cooking breakfast.

    And whom could you possibly be speaking of?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Cowichan Bay hunters - time to write the Cowichan Valley Citizen

    Thanks Dano & tanya for your help & suggestions.

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