Quote Originally Posted by high horse Hal View Post
Did you happen to find out who was paying his salary? Interesting how so many advocates for this and that are making a living pushing that rock up hill
South Okanagan National Park comes to mind, lots of news while the staff was being paid to push
It was some sort of a "Save The Bears" group, unfortunately I can't find any of the glossy info they handed out at the time. They did seem to have a lot of FN "backing", the "show" had been travelling around BC a lot. I did meet a Lady there who is very involved with saving Bears of all sorts, rescues, rehab, whatever and we had a good chat after about some of the aspects of Grizzly hunting. At one point in the "show" there was a somewhat horrid video of an American hunt where the Grizzly took a number of shots, tumbled down a mountain side, etc. At another stage we "discussed" how hunting for food was so wrong but buying chicken and beef at the local Supermarket was ethically far better. I politely pointed out that in most cases hunters dispatch their game a lot more "ethically" and efficiently than the Fraser Valley chicken farm that had been featured on TV showing the "workers" throwing chickens against the walls and such.